I have narrowed my search to the P2K and Ironman 2000, but am having a tough time deciding between the two. I plan to race mostly oly and 1/2 distances with an occasional Iron-distance mixed in, on mostly flat to rolling terrain with the exceptions of maybe IMUSA and IMMoo. I will buy a set of race wheels later in the spring before my “A” races. Both bikes seem to fit me (without a good professional fitting) and this will be my first tri bike, switching from a C’dale R600 retro-fitted. Any thoughts on my pending decision?
Here is how I look at the situation: If both bikes fit you properly, then I would lean towards the Cervelo only because the P2K retails for about $400 less than the C’dale. This is 1/3 to 1/2 the way towards a good set of race wheels. I’m a very happy Cannondale (road) owner who has been mulling over the same thing. Both manufacturers seem to produce quality bikes.
A couple thoughts to consider: These bikes fit pretty differently on head tube dimensions alone I think, let alone all the differences the P2Ks variable geometry rotatable (is that a word?)seatpost make. So, the fits are not entirely interchangeable. One should emerge the clear winner in the all-critical fit category. Secondly, availability may become an issue. Both bikes can be tough to find right now. How long are you comfortable with waiting? Food for thought.
At this point I almost have to laugh when these questions get asked because I KNOW we are going to see some version of Tom’s famous quote “buy the one that fits.” Harken to those words of wisdom. Both are great bikes. One of them is bound to fit you better than the other. As Tom says, “get that one.”