“THIS IS MY QUESTION: Should I add a white panel around the black reversed carbon Serotta logos…”
FWIW - my opinion is that it looks great without - don’t do it!
You asked: don’t use the baby blue, use the darker blue; use the decals in a Ti colour is you can, the carbon coming through won’t show so well, and the white panel doesn’t quite do the ride justice.
my thoughts are no panel and go with the “clear” decals. I think that will be a sherp looking bike. Silver carbon cages from arundel. I think that will treat you right
I like the dark blue better although it might not accent the carbon logos as well as the light blue. No white panels and I like the clear/carbon logos.
My 2 cents. If the carbon lettering is dark enough, I think the white panel around it would look pretty cool. Black/carbon lettering on white is pretty sharp.
I’d use a brighter color. Blue is very basic…nice for resale, but a pretty safe statement. Be bold! The ride rocks, make it look like it with a hot color.
no to the white panel, and no to those folks recommending the darker blue. the carbon lettering will be lost against the darker blue, which would require you to add the white panel, which make the bike look too retro (unless that is what you want). and if you are trying to go retro, the white panel on the lighter blue will look better anyway. so there you have it - light blue, no panel unless retro look is desired, in which case light blue with panel.
i think i prefer the light blue (11) without the panel. I think the lighter blue will blend with the silver some and give a more subtile look. Either that or go for a darker color, closer to the carbon, so that the wording blends in until the light hits it right.