Open water swimming BANNED in MA

That totally sucks, but Massachusetts is one of the top 10 states people are leaving. Looks like one more reason to leave. When crap like that happens, the basic courses of action are: 1) change the government; or 2) leave the government.

Yep and many are moving to Vermont lol. If loads of people keep moving here then I would prefer to see more triathletes move into VT :slight_smile: I’m trying to organize a Friday morning group swim from the Green River Reservoir. This morning it was just 3 of us in the light rain. But it was a beautiful swim in one of the most amazing open water swim spots. No motorboats and the state park loves the open water swimmers. PM me if interested about the group swim or moving here. Winters are longer, colder, taxes are crazy high, the deer flies are desperate, but I wouldn’t live anywhere else.