My Girlfriend has had the audacity to take me on holiday to New York and then up to Banff Canada for Skiing over the Christmas period, right in the middle of my training for Ironman NZ (March). The up side is that I get to go shopping for tri gear (and maybe a bike) in New York but the problem is I don’t want to miss three weeks training. Where can I swim and run in New York and Banff & will it be to cold to run in Canada at that time of year? The coldest it gets where I live (Wellington NZ) is around 1-2 degrees C in winter (if you don’t count the wind ) so have not experienced running in really cold temps.
Also where should I take my Credit card in New York, any recommendations?
As for running and swimming… the running part is easy - Central Park. One of the local running clubs has a great page on their website that shows all the distances for different runs in the park…
Swimming will be tougher (or more expensive, at least). Some of the gyms in the city have pools (e.g. Equinox at the Time Warner Center on Columbus Circle). You can also check out Chelsea Piers and Asphalt Green.
You’ll love Banff. A little expensive, but lots to see and do, and some absolutely amazing wildlife. Average temps in December are around -5’C to -10’C, but can be a fair bit colder since it’s the Rockies. That said, dress properly in layers & Gore-Tex and you’ll be fine. Try and get in some cross country skiing while there (lots of good trails and amazing aerobic training).
Thanks for all the info guys very helpful. Sounds like my first stop will be SBR sports for warm running kit (will they have my sizing I wonder (extra chunky )
I think I have found a swimming pool in Banff so that’s cool. With my skill level at skiing I may get a great workout just getting up off the ground every 5 seconds.
Doug where is your pool located (we are staying in the Manhattan area).
yeah, you’ll find banff a bit chilly in march. unless you’re from the south island? you’ll be able to get in some great workouts, but the bike will be dead weight. rent some snowshoes or skis or something, though, and you’re golden.
My pool is 5 W. 93rd St. beteen Columbus and CPW. My classes are not in sessin at that time. I you would like a private session I am available. Just e-mail me.
If you are coming to New York, take the short train ride into Brooklyn and visit us at R&A Cycles- one of the if not the largest dealer of most brands around. We carry and stock Cervelo, QR, Colnago, Giant, Zipp, HED, Pinerallo, Felt, Kuota and much more. Only at R&A can you see every top tri bike in the industry side by side. I am sure that you will find everything that you need here! Swim training, check out Asphalt Green on the upper east side (90th and York) their site is and
By the way… SBR is great for tri gear, but if you want running gear specifically, you should check out New York Running Company just a block or so away. It’s a terrific running store on the second floor of the shops at Columbus Circle (Time Warner Center).
There is a public swimming pool in Canmore (20min drive). The running in Banff is fantastic but be ready for the elevation. The winter has been pretty mild so you might get lucky.
Calgary has some very good tri-shops (waypastfast) and bikeshops (Bow Cycle, The Bike Shop, Cyclepath South) all of which have websites if you google them. Canmore also has some good bike shops. I heard that Inform Cycle in Canmore has expanded into a performance facility - whatever that means.