On alert in Alert, Nunavut

For those who have never looked Alert is 4,358 km (over 2700 miles) north of Toronto.
That’s about as far north as Vancouver is going West from Toronto.

I have great respect for anyone who goes that far just to get away from the Maple Leafs.

Take care.

GO Oilers!!

Thank you for posting this. I think that I can speak for just about everyone here when I say that we look forward to reading every one of your posts.

Ditto. I love her posts.

I told my wife I want to spend a winter in Barrow, AK (which I know is a shit ton further south than Nunavut but I’m American so that’s the best we got) just to see if I could do it. I think it would be interesting. Until the vampires come and are unburdened by daylight. 😜

Ditto. I love her posts.

I told my wife I want to spend a winter in Barrow, AK (which I know is a shit ton further south than Nunavut but I’m American so that’s the best we got) just to see if I could do it. I think it would be interesting. Until the vampires come and are unburdened by daylight. 😜

There’s an awesome doco called A Year on Ice about the people who winter over in Antarctica. Would be hard but I think it’d be an incredible experience.

As you can see, the Arctic is rather flat. Not like the prairies, but still pretty wide open.
The above photo shows the United States Range way off in the distance.
No, it’s not the actual United States, just some mountains with the name. Don’t get too excited, Alaska is a hell of a long way from here.

This rig was probably brought up here in the '50s and is still in use to move people and equipment around in winter.
The ultimate tundra vehicle and probably hell to travel in.

Tiny flowers growing as fast as they can. Birds are hatching their young as fast as they can. Big hares are making baby hares. Everything gets busy at this time of year.
Apparently too many of the personnel are getting busy, too, and the new CO is planning to firmly enforce the rather lax “no fraternization” rules.
Morale will likely tank so we’ll see how that goes.
What will give morale a boost is decent wifi (non-existent) and being allowed to use bluetooth (they have sniffers to out the rule-breakers, I have been told.)

I am just happy we can watch the Olympics, even if the picture quality is shit. TV at the top of the planet is a gift!

On Tuesday there will be a ceremony at the memorial of the people killed when a Lancaster crashed on landing in 1950, when Alert was being built.
In 1991 a Hercules was attempting a wintertime cargo drop in poor weather, and the parachute got caught on the tail and it crashed, killing 4 but others survived. They were rescued 30 hours later.
A sobering reminder that coming up here and going home again like “no big deal” is actually, in fact, a big deal.
The weather quickly reminds us that we are hanging on by a thread up here, and we’re fine as long as nothing goes wrong.

Today a plane tried 3 times to land but the fog removed all visibility. These photos were taken on one of the few sunny, blue-sky days I’ve seen since I got here.
The sun starts setting again in mid-August. I keep saying I’ve only been here for one day since it’s never been nighttime since I arrived nearly 3 weeks ago.

Thankfully the food quality has improved since I first got here, but I am still leery of some of the dishes.
When you can’t identify any broccolli in a broccolli-based casserole then it’s probably best to just make yourself a sandwich instead.

Only one polar bear caution this week, but we remain vigilant. They are hungry and looking for a fight, and are not to be trifled with! Can’t wait to see one, though.


A buddy’s daughter was selected to be a chef in the Antarctic. Unfortunately, right before she boarded the plane, she was positive for Covid. No symptoms either before or after testing.
The crew missed out on some awesome chow.

She never re-applied. Now she’s a chef at remote outposts in Alaska during the summer.

A buddy’s daughter was selected to be a chef in the Antarctic. Unfortunately, right before she boarded the plane, she was positive for Covid. No symptoms either before or after testing.
The crew missed out on some awesome chow.

She never re-applied. Now she’s a chef at remote outposts in Alaska during the summer.

That’s too bad, Covid wrecked so many good plans. She should try again, my co-worker spent a year in the Antarctic and said it was a great experience.

Last week’s personnel and resupply flight was cancelled. Then they cancelled this week’s flight, too.

We are running out of blueberries and cheese snacks. And milk for my tea.

Could be anarchy soon!

Last week’s personnel and resupply flight was cancelled. Then they cancelled this week’s flight, too.

We are running out of blueberries and cheese snacks. And milk for my tea.

Could be anarchy soon!

Maybe you can capture a polar bear and milk it. I understand that they have a high quality milk due to their diet.

Last week’s personnel and resupply flight was cancelled. Then they cancelled this week’s flight, too.

We are running out of blueberries and cheese snacks. And milk for my tea.

Could be anarchy soon!

Maybe you can capture a polar bear and milk it. I understand that they have a high quality milk due to their diet.

Unfortunately there is a paw patrol every morning and they chase away any bears that venture too close. I’d love a polar bear pet (but I sure wouldn’t be crazy enough to touch one, let alone milk it!)

I’m reminded of the old saying:
“milk a sow, get milk for a day. milk a boar, get a friend for life.”

flights canceled for vis?

I’m reminded of the old saying:
“milk a sow, get milk for a day. milk a boar, get a friend for life.”

flights canceled for vis?

No, the first flight was cancelled due to mechanical issues, then the next flight was cancelled as the plane is needed elsewhere.
They didn’t elaborate but with things heating up in the Middle East, who knows what the ripple effects are.
Lots of long faces when people who were due to leave realised they are staying an extra 2 weeks :frowning:

This is extremely interesting and exciting to read !

Great Name

Home of the Frozen Chosen !

Look forward to more updates.

Oh the things they do to keep up morale when the flights are cancelled for 2 weeks and we are running out of food…

Polar Dip 2024!

Water temp was around freezing (sea ice freezes at a slightly lower temp than fresh water). Bracing experience for sure!
One guy stayed in for a little over 2 minutes, somehow. My trip in and out was 40 seconds.


Brrrr!! That just looks cold as heck.

I knew that if I didn’t hurry up and get out, they’d have to pull me out.

Ordinarily a LR denizen would threaten to call BLeP on your to take that shit to the other forum, but since you’re wearing Crocs, I think BLeP will let you slide.

I bet that was fun, guess you don’t have to worry much about man-eating sharks up that way!

That is a once in a lifetime photo.

Ordinarily a LR denizen would threaten to call BLeP on your to take that shit to the other forum, but since you’re wearing Crocs, I think BLeP will let you slide.

I bet that was fun, guess you don’t have to worry much about man-eating sharks up that way!

I know! I know! The crocs are only worn in the north. No way will they be seen in public down south.

No man-eating sharks, but our SWO was on standby with a gun, in case any man-eating polar bears decided to rock up.

Crazily enough, if I come up next summer I’d do it again. I should be recovered by that time!

Is everyone ok?

. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/12/us/polar-bears-attack-brevoort-canada.html?unlocked_article_code=1.CU4.U_MH.9osNv9H1l9y8&smid=url-share