Olympics tape delayed on West coast - WTF?

I really don’t understand why NBC does this. Are they just begging people to DVR it and skip over the advertisements later?

Are you guys staying up to midnight?

The important part of the boring opening ceremonies… when the torch lighting crap didn’t work correctly.


thinking"I wonder if anyone heard me fart just now."/thinking

Here’s a video: http://tv.gawker.com/5470990/

More proof that the world does not give a shit about the “Left Coast”.

What I found funny was that the three left the handicaped guy out of the whole deal…he just sat there in his wheel chair and watched. No one can tell me that there was anything but “Attention Whoring” going on as there was no communication, no ‘lets laugh this off and make good of the situation’ - just “When can I light this thing” and left the guy in the chair off on the side…

He sat there in his chair and watched because he wasn’t one of the 4 torch bearers who were supposed to do the lighting. Rather, he was the one who brought the torch into the stadium. It was Gretzky, Nash, Greene, and LeMay Doan who were going to light the cauldron…

Then why were there going to be FOUR pillars? They even said on Live TV there were supposed to be four…and the one that was lit outside had four…who then was going to be the fourth torch bearer?

There were four. Read my post.

As he said…Gretzky, Nash, Greene, and LeMay Doan.

All in all, I thought the canadians did a great job in what I normally think of as a waste of time to watch. A few scenes went too long, but overall, pretty nice job, especially following the China precedent. Hi Def was gorgeous.

Then why were there going to be FOUR pillars? They even said on Live TV there were supposed to be four…and the one that was lit outside had four…who then was going to be the fourth torch bearer?

The final torchbearers were hockey great Wayne Gretzky, NBA All-Star Steve Nash, skier Nancy Greene and speedskater Catriona LeMay Doan, who was stuck posing and holding her torch.
