Old Triath uhhhh lon guy on the forum

So there is a old guy at the guy…typical interweb forum know-it-all, been-there-done-that, condescending tri guy.

Read a post by him the other day. He was going on about what a goofball some newbie triathlete was, about all the unnecessary gear this dude had, he maintains that he is not making fun of the guy personally, but throws in comments such as “it’s not too hard to spot a clown in the crowd” and suggests that the newbie should have a “valid defense for five water bottles, gels, powerbars and all”.

As far as I can tell this guy does nothing all day but peruse Slowtwitch, start the occasional idiotic thread and contribute asinine or snarky comments to existing, legitimate threads. I’ve never read an insightful or original post by the guy despite the fact that he posts about 50 times a day. Nevertheless, it’s clear form his posts that he fancies himself as some sort of triathlon authority, a witty clown prince, a “straight shooter”. Not one to jump a professional forum poster’s case in person I usually smile and click away.

Today…I realize that I’ve been reading this guy’s posts for about 10 years and he bugs. the. s**t. out. of. me. He is online and responding to criticism on his ridiculous thread. Me, I’m cruising the web while I eat a sandwich at my desk. He is bemoaning the lack of a “sense of humor” on the forum and lamenting the fact that “More and more of the real talent here is posting less and less” (recurring theme of his) and blathering on about how benevolent and personable he is in his private life. I do a quick search of his posts because I’m feeling argumentative and discover that in the past day he has made obnoxious, snarky, belittling comments about overweight people, newbies, folks who get tattoos after doing 5ks, comments that, frankly, could have no other effect but to offend. Over the years, I’ve read his attention starved posts about bodily functions, his backhanded bragging, his idiotic personal problems, his angsty posts that reveal the emotional maturity and sophistication of a hormonal pre-teen girl.(new to me)… Oh and I’m pretty sure he is a compulsive liar but, whatever…

Now, I’ve spent my lunch starting this ridiculous thread in order to satire his and to highlight the problem with judging people by their appearances—a lesson most of us learned in elementary school-- but I’m pretty sure all I’ve done is make all his dreams come true since he’s created this exciting controversy and everyone is paying attention to him >insert roll eyes<

Well, off to get my flame suit. (Oh, I never once mentioned that I do Tri)

it isn’t wrong to judge a person based on their appearance if the judgement pertains to their appearance

example: “That noob has a lot of ridiculous gear on for a 5k jog” - good

example: “That noob must be an idiot, and hate freedom, because he has a lot of ridiculous gear on” - bad

When we poke fun at the noob with the pizza in his bento box for the sprint triathlon, we are really poking fun on the corporate gear whore side of the sport, which is at times out of control.

We have all been noobs and had those gels taped to our top tube for the 3 mile ride.

Don’t forget to hydrate while posting.

to highlight the problem with judging people by their appearances—a lesson most of us learned in elementary school–

are we talking about chip the bridge builder or chicp the cock sucker?

I AM the fucking CLOWN.

Certainly, you can not grasp the humor.

As an RD - IN A CLOWN OUTFIT…I am not that hard to find in a crowd.

Not so bright eh?


If you will just search for and read his frozen nuts report, then maybe all will be forgiven…

Now THAT is OLD…

Yeah - 2 rear cogs ago…

Gosh, I’m sorry did the conclusions that I drew from reading you obnoxious forum postings offend you somehow? That was certainly never my intention! I was just telling it like it is, you know, being honest and whatnot. I didn’t mean it as a personal attack or anything.

BTW, Do you have 2 chins in that picture or 3?

it isn’t wrong to judge a person based on their appearance if the judgement pertains to their appearance

Is that the rule?

Ahhh…the typical ST mud flinging person hiding behind a screen. If you want to toss shit - at least be man enough to do it under your real name.

if this were letsrun this thread would be 0/10

Life is so unfair, isn’t it?
But hey, since we are calling each other’s masculinity into question how about if the next time you decide to slag a newbie you do it like a man, to his face, instead of acting like his exercise buddy and then showing off for all your internet pals by denigrating him on a public forum.

Shit…I’ve gotta go teach next period. This is getting good.

Again, like flipping off Helen Keller. Just no point. Glad I could ruffle your feathers however. Now, back to a life of mediocrity for you.


Who’s the clown in the ironman hat? Does he have the ironman sticker on his clown car?

I AM the fucking CLOWN.

Certainly, you can not grasp the humor.

As an RD - IN A CLOWN OUTFIT…I am not that hard to find in a crowd.

Not so bright eh?


Polka Dots are too high…Ruffled cuffs not aero…Why hasn’t someone made fun of the scubapro suit yet…

Gosh, I’m sorry did the conclusions that I drew from reading you obnoxious forum postings offend you somehow? That was certainly never my intention! I was just telling it like it is, you know, being honest and whatnot. I didn’t mean it as a personal attack or anything.

BTW, Do you have 2 chins in that picture or 3?

He’s like the little kid with no personality and no friends so the only way he can get attention is by acting out or, perhaps maybe, wearing a clown outfit. He loves the attention he gets with his inflammatory posts, and right now for that matter, because after all, it is better than no attention at all. Extremely sad really.

I AM the fucking CLOWN.

Certainly, you can not grasp the humor.

As an RD - IN A CLOWN OUTFIT…I am not that hard to find in a crowd.

Not so bright eh?


I think yer an asshole and not the least bit funny.


Who’s the clown in the ironman hat? Does he have the ironman sticker on his clown car?

I wanna see the shoes. Wonder if Newtons come in size 27?

Chip is just a young. He is full of ------energy. I like most of his post. Remember (if over 50) when you were young. Want to be judged by what you said ?