Official power2max support thread

Type S on a road bike with 50+k miles on it…and a my tt bike since this is a tt/tri group.

On the 75 miler road roller today, it was superb. I love the L v R balance data. Synced imediately with the 810. I took my time installing it today and cannot say enough. Very simple process, lightweight, and it feels very well made. Perfect fit. No issues with shifting or pedaling. No noise. Fit perfectly with the crank. Very well done graphics and finish work. Low rotating mass. Thank you for the great sales and shipping support. It was appreciated.

( Aside -To the group, in the 110mm size, I have used both aero and non-aero Q-rings and find the aero to be a better shifting option (more material … stiffer) so it is what I have on all my bikes…q -rings exacerbate the issue of course. Had 130mm pre-p2mtS and felt that going all 110mm was the way to go. I found having the tool mandatory as I already had cranks on bikes - it is on their site. )

Once you have the battery cover o-rings, battery screw cover plugs, and battery screws on your site for the type S, I plan to get a bunch.
