Official power2max support thread

re track conversion.

I completed a 40min turbo session at approx 280w on my track bike with the converted track P2M and my track PT a couple of days ago - in general, the 2 PM tracked very well - the P2M typically read 6-7w (~277w) LESS than the Track PT (~284w) inc a 30s stop to see if an auto zero kicked in - in a final 3 min interval the track P2M power was within ~1w of the Track PT.
Chain tension might be the reason - i’ll need to play with it a bit more & gather some more info.

I converted the track P2M back to road setup and today, i did an hour at 250w with 5min at 320w with the road P2M and my road PT SL+ and the 2 were within 2W, across the 5 min intervals. the Road P2M reading slightly MORE than the Road PT.

There appears to be a bit of variability in short term averaging. I understand the PT broadcasts power each second, but it seems to average out very close as the interval time extends and this might be a relict of how the garmin and joule record / process the PM power data.