Saturday is now live in app stores. We’re getting synced with TrainingPeaks as we speak. Massive thanks to everyone here and all our early users.
**You can download the app on the iOS ****App Store or get it on **Google Play.
Saturday is a fuel & hydration planning and coaching app. It outputs fully automated, fully personalized product-agnostic plans for every race, event, and training session. Use brands you know and just learn how much you actually need, or you can optimize with a pinch of salt or go full-scale DIY. Saturday is like a coach that provides product-agnostic performance nutrition. It will build a fueling plan for your next triathlon, gravel epic, and your whole training schedule.
For daily use, and often even big events, it does better (and WAY faster) than I can do as a coach now. I have offloaded 90% of my coaching clients to just use the app. So has Michelle (coach, pro triathlete, RD CSSD, wife). Short of coming to your kitchen and making your bottles for you, it does it all. It’s like the best of personalization and cost-savings from DIY nutrition and fueling, but more like “we do it for you.” We’re building out more features that really spell things out simply to make everyone’s lives easier, as we speak. Quite literally, we couldn’t do it without you all.
It’s $2.99/mo (forever) for all our early adopters (still available) but we’ll probably increase to $5.99 in the next few weeks.
Your feedback and presence here with us is huge. Thank you for your support. It truly means the world to Michelle and I, and our growing team.
Below kept for historicity: from beta tester related post in January 2023
TLDR: Sign up here. We’ll reach out next week.
Saturday is a fuel & hydration app.
Or look for the orange button on
Our goal: Elite fuel & hydration from the cupboard through the finish line.
So far:
My beloved tech-avoidant wife uses it and hates training without it.
Lots of big race PR’s and “A” races fueled.
Big quality of life improvement impact for quite a few users who have previously been really frustrated or confused with fueling & hydrating. This has been surprising, even for us as founders, and has provided all the motivation we need to keep pushing this forward. Very humbling.Coaches if you’re interested in getting your clients/teams on it, DM me.
If you’re still reading…here are the things we think need to happen for the app to do what we hope, at scale.
Don’t be another “tech” thing. No headaches allowed. Make life simpler.Keep the unnecessary details to the forums. (See “How do I make Maurten” thread Fueling is a PITA, especially when you’re new. Here’s three more if you love reading, here, here, & here.) Attend to the whole user.Avoid unnecessary tracking and testing.PS. Thanks to Dan, Ryan, & Eric for allowing me to post this here. Edit as you see fit.