No Alcohol January 2025

7% is heavy? Its 8.25% down here in TX.

No, Sales tax is reasonable, I think, but property tax is INSANE!!! The rate itself might not be so bad, but properties are SO overvalued here

There’s no fucking way my crap box is a quarter mil/300K; so it doubled in value since '97?

Well… Mine has more than tripled since 2004. Also for no damn good reason. I wouldn’t pay that.

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Hey everyone, guess what?


Yes we survived the longest 31 days ever here, keeping each other company as we navigated the month alcohol-free. Thank you to all of you for playing along, and a super extra thanks to those who kept me company this month offline (you know who you are :heart:)

A big day here full of emotional swing- rough morning playing therapist to athletes, then crap news at the ortho this afternoon (looks like I’m a duathlete this season?). Thankfully that was balanced out by a wonderful phone call from a beloved friend, plans made for Galentines Day with another one, and some fierce puppo snuggles.

So! It’s time to celebrate the first dry month of the year! Prep a great breakfast for the AM, grab someone to kiss at midnight, tee up a string workout, whatever you do share your self-celebrations with us!

And if you choose to keep the party rolling, keep checking in! It seems there are a lot of us extending our voyage this year, and if you’ve decided to stay dry for the first time past the month’s end share your reasons to help inspire others!

I’m always so grateful for you all for doing this, and I’m wicked proud of you all :heart:



Sorry to hear about the report from the ortho. That sucks.

That’s a very comfy puppo! Here’s a couple back at’cha :

This last week has been a bit rough on the work front. I’m working a couple of large proposals…one is the second largest ever by our company. It’s made for several late nights. I did manage to run 15 times in the last 7 days for 52miles…though. Today was just a very easy, minimum 100/100 run (2mi).

What I’m really happy about is that there’s been no sign of my stress fracture. As anyone knows whose had one of these…or similar injuries… Is there is a long pad-like tail where you constantly question, “do I feel it”, “is it coming back”?

Today marked 20 years at my current employer. My boss sent out a “memory book” to a bunch of my employees, and friends and they filled it out with memories from the last 20 years…ive known many of the for most of that time. That was nice to get after this week. It’s hard to believe it’s been 20 years.

I’m in for feb! The weather has returned to more spring like here. Winter is usually mostly over here by v-day. Then we have a long lazy spring. Looking forward to a nice long run tomorrow morning. With my leg feeling 100%, and the 100/100 in the last 3 weeks… I’m starting to think about refocussing the 50k ultra that I was working towards last year.

I haven’t lost any weight. But, I blame my daughter for having built the world’s largest gingerbread house. I’ve been eating it for weeks. Ugh!

As always, thank you Dr CC.


Made it, swerved six nations, watching the kids bmx race, being injured and even a busy few weeks at work without a drink. A zero beer and zero wine did the trick with the rugby


No, not really LOL


Went to a soul concert last night. Everyone with me was enjoying a mixed drink, beer or glass of wine. The venue, the Krannert Center at the University of Illinois, had Athletic available so I had 2 Free Waves and enjoyed the performance. Two days to go to get to 31 days. Still no planned re-entery.


For those who commiserated (@Dr_Cupcake , @RandMart ) - my mom has been rather more chill about my non-imbibing this year, and I’m still going strong at 37 days. Everyone else had a glass of wine with dinner last night and I didn’t even want a taste.

Meanwhile, just as well I got a bottle of bourbon during the stock up because Doug Ford announces Ontario ban on American liquor in response to U.S. tariffs | CBC News


Yay for you and effig BOO on the rest of this nonsense.

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Today had an interesting start… My daughter called to tell me about a fever, sore throat, and a constricted airway at 1am. I sent her to the ER, where she was diagnosed with pneumonia. Fortunately, it was very early. Some iv antibiotics, and steroids, and a couple scripts for more antibiotics. 18 hours later and she’s feeling much better.

I took the day off from running, and worked on replacing the engine in my car (long story). Finushed the day sitting by the firepit, with the doggos, and the wife… watching the sunset, and sipping a mock mohito.


What type of vehicle?

Another day done and dusted but the universe was out to test me. We were out to dinner and the others ordered a bottle of prosecco (love me some bubbles) - then the n/a spritz option I wanted was unavailable.

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Yikes! I’m so glad your daughter is feeling better with the right course of meds. Now for you to rest and stay healthy! The fire pit looks lovely, it’s almost feeling like that season again here (minus the wintry crap falling from the sky later this week and next).

1990 Mazda Miata.

Yes. Fortunately, we have been out at the lake for most of the last month. So, we have avoided catching it from her—-my wife has a form of COPD…so, we don’t want to go down that alley.

We are staying until later this week, by which time she shouldn’t be contagious.

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Hopefully you shoehorned an LS in there :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Welp, day 36 and still going strong here! I really haven’t had any urge to have a drink, which is good. And I’m not actively searching for reasons either. Tomorrow’s weather is going to be gross, and I cannot iterate enough how over winter I am at this moment.


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41 days here. Had a gum graft earlier today and they have me on a bunch of meds which advise not to have alcohol alongside so another few days are pretty much guaranteed.



Still going strong over here, also. We are actually still at the lake. It’s handy to work about midway between our primary home and our lakehouse.

I almost got sent to Korea on business. Business trip would have been a challenge, esp to a culture like Korea.

But, the trip got deferred to March.