New Trek Speed Concept

Random question Mitch,

Say for those have a 400+ day ETA, and say Trek does even a minor update for the 2023 model ex. bolts for a draft box (just anything minor structurally), would those orders be of that slightly updated one?

If any changes were to take place, if the bike on order was not assembled or built, it would most likely see those changes. Small things are typically just a silent update, but if anything large changes, we would be aware of it.

11 bottles on the bike! Whoa. That is a lot. You stop often to pee?

I didnā€™t pee until Mile 4 of the run, and even then it wasnā€™t much. Then two more times throughout the rest of the marathon but wasnā€™t much. Guessing my sweat rate is pretty high (it was hot out on the bike though think it got up to 85F or higher). But I was still sweating even at the end so no heat stroke and fueled with enough liquids during the run as well.

To echo this comment, I placed a frameset order last week, and my LBS was able to add the computer mount but not the SC-specific aero/front water bottle. I plan to order one when available and will update here when I do.

Correct, the BTA bottle is NOT available for anyone to purchase yet. Trek says Jan, maybe.

Congrats on your order! What is your specs and ETA?

Did you have to order seat post and aero bars separate? mind if I ask how much they were and an estimated delivery date?


Iā€™m 6ā€™3 210 and I ordered XL frame, far toppers, and high base bar. I could have gone with either mid or high base bar, but I live in Colorado and the high base was recommended by my fitter for better climbing.

My estimated shipping time was 11 days. I placed my order the same day Trek announced the new SC.

The seat post, base bar, and aero bars were included with the frameset I ordered. No extra cost according to my LBS.

oh wow! Lucky you. Just in time for Christmas :smiley: Enjoy it!

Interesting, my LBS told me that the frame did not come with those - just frame and forkā€¦as did the Trek guy on hereā€¦I may need to check with a different shop!


Iā€™d be surprised if true. Iā€™d love for it to be true because it makes more reasonable to purchase If buyers have their own di2 to switch over.

you sure they ordered you the new model? The new one is just the frame and the fork. What you see on the website is what you get.

I ordered the new frameset through Project One and it included the bars.

This is how I placed my order as well, and it included all the bits shrug

I apologize if this has already been asked, but does ordering the frameset include the bars? Even my local Trek store was unsure.

Random question Mitch,

Say for those have a 400+ day ETA, and say Trek does even a minor update for the 2023 model ex. bolts for a draft box (just anything minor structurally), would those orders be of that slightly updated one?

If any changes were to take place, if the bike on order was not assembled or built, it would most likely see those changes. Small things are typically just a silent update, but if anything large changes, we would be aware of it.

Wait, what . . . is that ETA real? If we order now, weā€™re looking at a very late 2022 or early 2023 delivery date?

How do you order just the frameset through Project One? It makes me choose a component group.

Ah yes I should have clarifiedā€¦ according to my LBS the Project One frameset option isnā€™t available yet on the consumer site so you have to go to a dealer to do it. As of right now itā€™s on the dealer site only.

I ordered mine on day 1 it was available. I originally had an 11 day lead time (SLR9 etap). LBS just told me that it was pushed back to 12/30.

Thanks, will check with my LBS