Myathletelive GPS unit found at IM AZ claim it

Anyone lose a my athlete live gps device at IM arizona, One was placed in my wetsuit bag and I finally found it again after going through some stuff after, pm and I will send it to you…

Anyone lose a my athlete live gps device at IM arizona, One was placed in my wetsuit bag and I finally found it again after going through some stuff after, pm and I will send it to you…

You may want to reword your title, I took it to mean that you found your OWN gps unit. :smiley:


I would contact myathletelive. Odds are it is one of the ones they had the pros wear for testing purposes since there were few amateurs who rented them.

YTZ, Thanks for posting. e-mail us as and we’ll send you a packet to return it in and we’ll also give you a coupon for a free event rental. Thanks! - John