
Does any body else have the sentation they’ll miss that crappy old forum? I didn’t know I was so attached to it, this modern, user-friendly stuff sucks. Ban advancements, back to the caves (with a high-speed internet connection please)!


I agree. The other forum may have been a dinosaur, but it was simple and easy to use. I just kind of adapted to the inconveniences and dealt with them. The new one will certainly take some getting used to. However, I do like it that you have to put in a valid email address to get on board. So not all improvements are bad.


I guess banning advancements would not include bladed frames and odd seat tubes, huh?

Merry Christmas, Canada!

In some ways the new forum IS slower - but I can deal with that.

I really like that the Email comes with a response.

And, I really really like that a poster must login and that real identities and email addresses are required. I think it creates a forum where people are more accountable for what they say. It should eliminate some of the chicken sh*t abusiveness we have been seeing.


Yes, indeed the old forum, quirky as it was, was . . . how to say this with out offending Dan’s great efforts to advance the technology . . comfortable. Like your favourite cycling shorts. It just felt right!

But now it is time to move on, I guess

I really liked the old forum better. It showed the subject lines of each thread so you could quickly get an idea where the thread was heading. You can expand a thread here to get that information, but it takes about 15 seconds to repaint the entire screen. I thought there might be an option in Profile to look at the message index expanded by default, but I didn’t see anything for that.

I guess I am a dinosaur.


You are able to toggle btw. collapsed or expanded in the upper right corner. You can also specify the default view in your profile.


One suggestion, when clicking the “Main Index” it takes you to the discussion forum ( ) to access the classified ads I’ve had to manually key in ‘forum=2’ ( ) Is there an icon that takes you to the forums root ( ) so you can see if there are new posts in either forum at the same time?

Check out the bottom of the page. There is a dropdown the moves you to the different forums.

I see how to expand the threads now. Thanks. Still, each message takes three lines, but that is not terrible.

I guess it is something like learning how to ride a bike. I never quite got the hang of that either.


dont forget to ban people that “thinks” too

Thanks Ron, How 'bout this one? When i click “mark all as read” it seems to mark them all as unread?

Yellow means old right, white means new right?

Apprciation in advance for your patience with my user troubles.

Yup, I am missing the old one. It was simpler, quicker. Oh well. Time marches on. A sage would practice the Buddhist principle of “Letting go of that and holding fast to this”.

Yellow means unread while White means read.

That’s what I initially thought when I first clicked “Mark all read” and they turned white. But as I read the posts only those that I had read were turned to yellow?

Somebody shoot me. Really I’m not usually this thick. It seems to be as you said. Arrrggghhhh!!! And I didn’t think it possible to be more red faced than Orang’s baboon bottom.

Well you’ve separated yourself from the lower primate by using reasoning to find your error.

