Let's See Your Front End!

About 7.5. I cut down a 10 degree to make it work. Big difference in comfort with those extensions.

Iā€™m in the process of changing the cockpit on my 2nd gen from the ergo-bar to the ā€œmonoplugā€.
It gives me a bit more reach, and some additional adjustability. I was tempted to go with the Profile Design ASC extensions, but ended up using standard ones, as the Profile Design ones probably would have interfered with my TriRig cups.

Itā€™s not quite finished, but here are some picturesā€¦

That looks great! Nicely done

Iā€™m looking for something to get rid of the proprietary aero extension on the Gen 2 SC.

Been checking out the Fast TT system. Looks like a good choice but curious to gather more intel before taking the plunge.

Also, if I got a monoplug, what is the wedge that Iā€™m seeing that gives an increase in upwards tilt?

Itā€™s just a filler piece, I fabricated using a leftover 45mm spacer. Didnā€™t increase the angle.
The tilt is maximum you can achieve with the 2nd gen cockpit without modifications.
Itā€™s right around 15Ā°
You could achieve a true high hands position, using upward bent extensions though.

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That is one good looking bike!

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Gee, Tomā€™s new Scott looks amazing!