Turning 50 next year and have enough airline miles saved to take the family anywhere in the world. What are some favorite race destinations? I’m in the US, have a wife and 2 kids (will be 10 and 12). Preferably Ironman length but would consider 70.3.
Must not be in North America, dates preferably Oct-Dec 2023, a beautiful/scenic course and a location where the family will enjoy and we can take an extended vacation after.
Ironman Malaysia (will it be back?)
Ironman Portugal
Ironman Argentina
Lots of 70.3 options in Asia and other places
Ironman Barcelona (mediterranean sea is warmer) or Ironman Portugal (colder water), if you wanna do some turismous, both Portugal and Spain worth the visit.
Ironman Cozumel (Caribean), but do you know that it is i North Aerica even if not US. Do you? :P.
Ironamn Hawaii… but you have to win the right to race there
Langkawi was amazing, but I love that part of the world (food, climate etc). A good week of family stuff to do after the race too. Swim was ridiculously warm, bike had monkeys spectating and the run was a melt down for all. I would do the 70.3 every year if I could afford it.
If you want combine a destination race with a family holiday, why don’t you forego triathlon?
Opting for a running event (or even two) would give you a lot more flexibility with the holiday and greater ease of travel than lugging a bike around. Trail marathons or shorter ultras require minimal gear, feature much more scenic courses than most triathlons, and since it’s end of season, you could easily do these races on the back of your summer’s tri training and racing.
A few years ago I went to Canada barely run fit and knocked over a 50 mile and three 50km races on consecutive weekends. Stunningly beautiful scenery in the Rockies, totally beyond comparison with anything I have experienced in triathlon.
You could do something like this in many parts of the world.
Turning 50 next year and have enough airline miles saved to take the family anywhere in the world. What are some favorite race destinations? I’m in the US, have a wife and 2 kids (will be 10 and 12). Preferably Ironman length but would consider 70.3.
Must not be in North America, dates preferably Oct-Dec 2023, a beautiful/scenic course and a location where the family will enjoy and we can take an extended vacation after.
Ironman Malaysia (will it be back?)
Ironman Portugal Ironman Cozumel
Ironman Argentina
Lots of 70.3 options in Asia and other places
Do the Mexicans know they’re no longer in North America?