Lakerfan goes 10 flat at IMC...CONGRATS!

Well, a huge congrats to Lakerfan who just came through the tape at 10:00.15 at IMC today. As usual, a solid performance. Chris, hopefully that is good enough to get you back to Kona…awesome job!

 WHYTE, CHRIS 174/59/65 42 01:01:25 05:19:39 03:33:21 10:00:15 


I can’t wait to see his power profile.

OK OK OK…I know we harp on Lakerfan and his obsession with power numbers, but seriously, let’s give the boy credit when credit is due. This guy puts down very consistent races, and likely extracts much better perforances out of his body than many around him. So let’s back off and just give him a solid pat on the back.

I realize we are all in the sport for different reasons and can take different routes to success. Frankly, Lakerfan’s route would make me quit the sport (too much like work), but this approach works for many people and he is a perfect example of working with the data and making really good use of it!



He’s a guy who performs IN SPITE OF, not BECAUSE OF his methods… i’ll give him that much credit…

…well, not so sure about that. I think he is pretty good on holding back on the bike and not spiking his efffort and then holding steady on the run.

Anyone know if he took his Kona slot with a 5th in 40-44?

Also wondering how far the 40-44 rolled down…my buddy Vinu from Fuelbelt, had a bit of stomach shutdown and did not deliver his usual 3:20 marathon and will have rely on the rolldown gods to get him into the show in 40-44.


Good gawd, that only got him 5th!!!

Well, a huge congrats to Lakerfan who just came through the tape at 10:00.15 at IMC today. As usual, a solid performance. Chris, hopefully that is good enough to get you back to Kona…awesome job!

WHYTE, CHRIS 174/59/65 42 01:01:25 05:19:39 03:33:21 10:00:15


Wow!! Thanks so much for the kinds words. Means a lot to me coming from a guy with your type of class. I didn’t take my Kona slot because need and truly want to spend some extra time with my family in the coming months. As much I thoroughly enjoy racing in Kona and feel the utmost privilege for qualifying, this was the best for decision for me this year. I dearly hope my slot went to someone who has never been before.

Just in case anyone might be interested, here’s the summary data from my power file:

AP = 190 watts
NP = 199 watts
TSS = 289 (.74)
Time = 5:19
VI = 1.05

Extremely well balanced power across the ride. I was very pleased. Run was equal to my PR and there was only a 45sec difference between 1st and 2nd half splits.

I don’t shave my legs so the joke around my friends is that I could have saved at least 15secs right there… :wink:

Thanks again,



40 - 44 rolled down to 13th - 10:16.


Can i ask how close to the race did you test your FT?


Can i ask how close to the race did you test your FT?


It’s important to understand how I determine my FTP. I don’t solely depend on something like a 2 x 20 field test. I put more emphasis on 60min MMP, 5hr MMP and race data. I’ve also discovered that after 4 years of training with a power meter that you can nail your FTP quite well without doing periodic testing. I’m quite confident my FTP is somewhere between 270 - 275 watts but I will always use the low end of the range.

Hope that helps,


Chris, congrats on getting onto the Podium. That is totally awesome. Secondly, good on ya for passing up the kona slot to spend time with family. I passed up my rolldown slot at Ironman LP for the same reasons…and I think the guy who took it after me was thrilled to death like I was last year. Kona is cool, however, I do agree that training for 2 Ironmans in the same year is tough on all fronts…physical, mental and family life.

But those 15 seconds…next time, I’m puting you through my transitions clinic or Jonnyo will take up the back end of your helmet :slight_smile:


That is a great help…thx for sharing.


Hey Chris, just a question here…would a 1 hour hillclimb be indicative of your FTP Power? Or would hillclimb FTP power be somewhat off from a 40K TT power due to perhaps higher torque and lower RPM…I would imagine that if they are different, the 40K TT data would be more useful for the average tri?


I’m not LF, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last nite :wink:

While not quite as tri-specific as say a 40k TT (or better yet, Oly bike split), a 1hr hillclimb is still an excellent data point for getting a good handle on FTP.

I regularly do an 18-ish min hillclimb, and extrapolate that to get an idear of what my current FTP is.
Along with lotsa other data.

Why? You getting a PM onea these days?

I’m not Chris either . . .
Generally most folks hold a slightly higher wattage on a hill climb than they would during a flat TT of the same duration.

Hey Chris, just a question here…would a 1 hour hillclimb be indicative of your FTP Power? Or would hillclimb FTP power be somewhat off from a 40K TT power due to perhaps higher torque and lower RPM…I would imagine that if they are different, the 40K TT data would be more useful for the average tri?

Yeah, you pretty much nailed it on the head. It certainly could be indicative of your FTP, however, I find that many people produce slightly higher power on a hill climb vs an equivalent flat TT (like Jason indicated). Given that one of the primary purposes of establishing your FTP is to provide pacing guidance for the bike portion of a long-course tri, I believe it makes much more sense to use data that is reflective of your race-specific attributes (eg race cadence, aero position, etc).

For example, one of the reasons why I like to consider my 5hr mean-maximal power (MMP) data and long ride data is because it takes into consideration my ability to hold an aero position for a long period of time.

Ok, now you’re scaring me… You can’t be considering the purchase of a PM??? :wink:

Thanks Again!!


I have to throw this one out there…

Everyone once in a while I have the pleasure of seeing what I would define as “impeccable execution.” I think there’s a very good reason why Fred (a 42yo guy) was 1st amateur OA. Just take a look at his splits:

That type of execution inspires me…

Thanks, Chris

Hey, Chris–you don’t know me but I read your stuff here and elsewhere. Have a TON of respect for your knowledge and the fact that you share it so readily.

Congratulations on a SUPERB race. You really nailed that TSS < 300 in a huge way. Looks like the perfect race to me!

Hey Chris, I have always considered getting a powermeter, but like I pointed elsewhere, when it comes to numbers, I always end up “testing myself” in every workout. When I get on the treadmill it becomes a race against the numbers, same on the track, and when I get on my TACX trainer with power, same thing. As such, I use these tools sparingly, mainly when the weather is crap or to establish new fitness baselines. I do know from the TACX trainer that when I do hillclimb type of repeats (telephone book under front wheel, sitting up at 80 RPM), I can produce more wattage than aero at 90-100 RPM. Also, I can produce way more wattage standing., thus the questions of the FT test. Based on my observation, I know that I can sit up or standup and pound on the pedals and sustain high wattage for a short period to get over a steep hill in an Olympic tri, but I don’t do this type of craziness in an Ironman.

But in general, I don’t run with a watch, measure my routes, or bike with a bike computer in any mode other than cadence. When I commute to work on powercranks, there is even no powermeter…just perceived exertion.

Again, fabulous job and thanks for your thought provoking contributions that have helped educate all of us on this forum


Great job Lakerfan. It looks like you had a great day.