Kristian to pro cycling?

Oh dear … jeez

Them thinking that Blum will still be competitive at short course in another four years is also… interesting

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It would be interesting for sure, but I suspect the things that Mr. Bu is thinking and the things he’s saying aren’t always identical :wink:

What I find particularly hilarious in this whole saga is that they didn’t say he’s going to pro cycling and leave it at that. Oh no, they claimed he’s going to win the tdf. Now that is some serious professional trolling.
I just can’t help but wonder how many $1,000 trisuits this publicity stunt will sell.

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they certainly won the olympic triathlon trolling title for 2024

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I’m sure the likes of Pogacar, Vingegaard and Evenepoel are relieved to hear this update.


Indeed. They were quivering in their boots knowing that the 12th place Olympic triathlete who isn’t even the strongest cyclist in his sport was going to show up and tri-splain cycling to them.

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Laidlow IG trolling almost hitting an all time low …


Love it. Hope there’s more shit talking coming on the lead up to Kona.

I like the plan here, but the execution was dreadful

Ironically, between the two, I’d put my money on Laidlow! And I’m not happy to admit that.

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+1 I begrudgingly agree. There are probably 10 riders in triathlon I’d place above Kristian with regards to road potential.