Pro triathlete earns 5th place in Campeche 70.3, 4 slots are available at awards. 4th place is called up but she is a no-show so it rolls to 5th. 5th takes the slot and moments later 4th appears, claims it was a language barrier (ironically Mexican). 5th claims in her YouTube video “I’m not goiving up my slot” knowing that the better athlete on the day wanted it.
Pro triathlete earns 5th place in Campeche 70.3, 4 slots are available at awards. 4th place is called up but she is a no-show so it rolls to 5th. 5th takes the slot and moments later 4th appears, claims it was a language barrier (ironically Mexican). 5th claims in her YouTube video “I’m not goiving up my slot” knowing that the better athlete on the day wanted it.
4th place went to the podium while the 5th place was still up there. Is it a race to the stage now? We are talking about Professional triathletes here.
I had looked into this race for one of my athletes and it says 1 slot men and women. So…if there were 4 people who passed on the slot and the girl in 4th…didn’t go up, then decided she wanted to, that changes it a little. It’s hard to think that there was 4 slots for a 10 person field, so if my guess is correct, it changes it a bit because there would have been opportunity.
Anyways - I would think neither was thinking they could get a slot and one was prepared to take it and one was not. And…I think that happens a lot with AG too. My two cents…lol
The people in charge of assigning slots offered her a slot.She accepted and that is as far as her responsibility lies.
The girl who missed out can take it up with Ironman.
5th should give it up to the 4th place finisher in my view.
But from the video she does seem to be pretty Emotional. Feel bad about throwing shade her way
I agree with you about giving it to 4th.
On the shade part just want to point out I didn’t sleuth this out. I’ve never heard of this pro and have no reason to throw shade. This was a video the athlete herself produced that appeared on my YouTube algorithm. I don’t think it is throwing shade. More of a discussion point. So far the majority agrees that her move was fair game. If there is belief I’m calling out something that should be kept private I’ll delete it.
5th should give it up to the 4th place finisher in my view.
But from the video she does seem to be pretty Emotional. Feel bad about throwing shade her way
I agree with you about giving it to 4th.
On the shade part just want to point out I didn’t sleuth this out. I’ve never heard of this pro and have no reason to throw shade. This was a video the athlete herself produced that appeared on my YouTube algorithm. I don’t think it is throwing shade. More of a discussion point. So far the majority agrees that her move was fair game. If there is belief I’m calling out something that should be kept private I’ll delete it.
I don’t think you need to delete it. It’s a weird situation - and I know of this athlete and I don’t know that she probably took her pro card to get experiences and to get a worlds slot would be amazing for her. I have a couple athletes that would be in the same boat - wanting a Taupo slot. Interesting how this one was done - at Indian Wells they had the top 5 pros up and did it right there - they said yes or no and done. Would’ve been easier in this case for sure.
It will be interesting how it goes at some of the Pro Series races - like I think Texas has 6 slots per gender - and there will be lots of people qualified already.
Your post is fair - I read it as maybe a little aggressive like the 5th place girl did the wrong thing but it’s just one of those IM things - not sure what I would do in the same situation.
4th place went to the podium while the 5th place was still up there. Is it a race to the stage now? We are talking about Professional triathletes here.
No, it’s not a race to the podium; they call your name a couple of times at least: you just need to pay attention, wave your hand and reach for the stage; if you don’t respond, the slot is rolled down to the next finishing athlete. Moreover, she was 4th in the division, then she should be aware they were assigning the slots in her group. Very naïve athlete IMHO, considering she’s supposed to be a PRO
I’d probably give it to the 4th if it was me, but I definitely don’t think anything bad from no.5 not doing that. Them’s the rules. If I was no.4 I’d try to get it but also have to realize it’s my own fault for not paying attention for the roll-down. That’s life
Also, she is a spanish-speaking person and it was done in spanish so not sure what the language issue could be. If the organization made a mistake then no.4 needs to take it up with them, no.5 didn’t do anything wrong and deserves it by the regulations.
Just as an aside, for language issues I think the announcements should be done in the local language + English as a rule. If you don’t understand either of these then I’d assume you’d go to the roll-down with someone who can help you…
Qualification slots have rolled for years . . . for about 40 years and 100s and 100s of races slots have rolled!! Once the have rolled, they have rolled - there is no race to stage, it rolled. Sometimes the roll goes fast, but once it rolls and is taken it is over. Now, I have no idea how this all transpired, but obviously it had rolled, and once rolled it is rolled and there is no going back. Perhaps the organizers mismanaged this in some way, but that is in no way 5th place’s fault because it “rolled.” IMO, calling this shady is what is out of bounds.
This happens in AG as well. Happened to me at Gulf Coast 70.3 (I want to say 2017-2019 time frame). Got a roll down spot, had the paper in my hand and random dude that finished ahead of me came up. WTC said I had to give it back.
Got beat by 3min & 4th clearly wanted to accept the slot. I would just give it up. I don’t think we need to call it shady or whatever. They’re following the rules and 70.3 Worlds can be a big deal for sponsors & things like that but this probably isn’t the right publicity to help with that kind of stuff.
Maybe the roll down process for pros can have a little more flexibility? IM wants AGers lined up with their checkbooks. They know they have a better chance of locking people in at awards versus emailing 1 by 1 down the age group list after the event. With pros, you’re only dealing with a handful of slots. Feels like you can avoid stuff like this. You could do all of it after an event or just track down 4th & make sure you know their decision before you roll down.
The girl in 4th place is Cecilia Perez, a well known SC triathlete and two time Olympian. Given her decades of international racing, I find it very difficult to believe this was a “language barrier” solely issue.
Based on the footage:
Moriarty seems to be charging to the podium while she is informed that “only top three will be awarded”. No one is a the podium a this time.
It seems as if the organizers changed their mind, then you see the girl in third place in the podium and they give Moriarty an award for 5th. While Perez is not there.
Now, if they re-announced that they were awarding to 5th and Perez did not go to the podium, it seems as if she wasn’t at the ceremony at all? We don’t know this, however, if you are interested in rolldown you have to be there.
Either way, I would surrender the spot if I were her but I also understand if she keeps it.
i have no real opinion on this but i would delete the word shady in your headline
the reality is both are over 45 min behind the male winner.
so the question is more what should be the min level a pro needs to achieve to go to the worlds
I saw this video on Instagram. It was some sprint tri race and first guy got lost and went to wrong direction right before the finish line. Second guy waited for him and made sure the first guy came back to the course and won. To me, that’s a fair play. Most people will not say anything if the second guy ignore the first guy and crosses finish line first but what a decent human being he is. He knew who’s the real winner in his heart. That’s the real champion to me. I want to be someone like that. Winning is good but not that way.