January 5th Update - Slowtwitch forum members, friends and family 100% for CHARITY CERVELO apparel - In the next few days, there'il be a link from the Cervelo banner ad to a page that shows you the apparel pieces, as well as prices etc

Okay…buenos dias Europe…day-time in Europe…I’m back…I will read all emails and all posts and I will digest…go “mmmmmmm” this tastes good and proceed…

We are awaiting quotes from www.hincapiesports.com as we speak…thanks to ‘tgarner’ for the time he has taken to hook us up with Hincapie…

All looking good…SPREAD THE WORD PEOPLE…wouldn’t you all love to see Mr. Tibbs presenting cheques to charity in Triathlete magazine???

Okay…we have costs from www.oomphsports.com and our friend Chris Artibello…his email verbatim:

Shirt $14.50 – for 200-250 units.
Screening – 2 color front & 1 color back = $6.00
– add drop to sleeve = $2.00
Set-up fee – $35.00
Shipping $75.00-$100 (obviously depends on weight and ship option)
Please note Stephen, our shirts have a manufacturer’s logo on the left sleeve.  That will not change.

For example…for 200 shirts thus:

$14.50 x 200 plus
$6 x 200 =
$4,100 plus $35 plus $75 (for example) = $21.05 per shirt plus shipping to wherever you are in the world - which won’t be much for a shirt!!!

Add to this the $10 for charity…

Approx. cost for the oomph Tees are:
$35 more or less all inclusive to your mailbox.

This, a post from Mr. Tibbs:

Hats! Happy hat update! Hats a plenty!
This is what is going down.

I am in the process of setting up on ebay. Orders for hats will be placed on my ebay account.

If I get over 300 orders we will go embroider. If not will go heat-treated.

Hat profit will go to T-shirts. This will allow us to cover the first wave of sells and have an inventory for those who want to buy more.

Orders should start by Friday.

You are doing a fine job, and you’re getting some sage advice. Lots of people talk about doing something, but having the catalysts around to actually act, as well as having willing participants, it’s a bit unusual. It’s an outstanding community we have here.

Latest update…quotes coming in from www.lesliejordan.com for the T-Shirts. They make technical tees too. Let’s wait and see.

So here’s the manufacturer shortlist that have contacted us:
Hincapie, Oomph and LeslieJordan

I will post up the 3 prices in one post along with visual samples and then we will decide…to be honest all 3 are being really helpful and positive and it’ll be a bummer to choose just one as we have to.

Check back soon.

A tribute to all helping me with this…

“Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than in the one where they sprang up”
O.W. Holmes
‘Yankee from Olympus’

"All looking good…SPREAD THE WORD PEOPLE…wouldn’t you all love to see Mr. Tibbs presenting cheques to charity in Triathlete magazine??? "

you’re scaring me

hahahahaha…isn’t that what needs to be done to raise awareness for charities…???

Good morning sperera.

I just got off duty and couldn’t wait to check out the progress of the sales. All looks good thus far, congrats! I’m just a stones throw from Demerly’s store, so if there is anything that I can do to help let me know (providing Tom is helping out, I know how he likes to work in the shadows).

Jeff Morrow

Hey Jeff,
Yes…it’s all looking promising…

Mr. Tibbs has taken on board setting up an account for PayPal orders so stay tuned…I’m waiting on Hincapie and LeslieJordan quotes…both of whom have already made contact etc etc

Thanks for you offer of help…hope the shift was quiet for you…

Thanks, The shift went well. I was able to get a good run in and get my weights done, without getting a call. That doesn’t happen much!

Jeff Morrow

…you’re like that guy in the Ironman DVD of the 2002(?) race…the fireman who raced in rememberance of the 9/11 firefighters…

sorta…but he beat me by 40 minutes in IMLP this year! He’s my hero.

…I can’t even contemplate thinking about doing an Ironman…still, I can be an IronCapdesigner or IronTshirtdesigner…


What do you all think of the Oomph shirt then?

I think you should make a final command decision and let us know, already. I’m in for whatever, but you keep changing the available items, and my order keeps changing as a result. I’m getting confused, and I’m starting to get worried about which order(s) you and Tibbs are going to act on.

I second this… and bump

Don’t worry…this is organised chaos…the ‘orders’ you have sent through, much to your annoyance perhaps are not real orders but we needed them to gauge interest…I said this some time ago in a post…the REAL orders will have to be made when we finally settle everything and Tibbs sets up a PayPal system…

Trust me, it’ll be fine…it will become crystal clear…I just keep on posting things so we have complete transparency and we can all chip in with ideas and comments…at the end of the day if there are too many ideas then we’ll reserve judgement ourselves…and I’ll post on the final designs; who the supplier is and what it costs…THEN you make your real orders.



as this tells us what is out there…this allows us to say, right, we need to order 300 hats cos there’s the demand…

Just bear with me on this issue…and I apologise for confusing things…

Thanx for the update… I’ll have a look at everything on Monday when we get back from Las Vegas.