January 5th Update - Slowtwitch forum members, friends and family 100% for CHARITY CERVELO apparel - In the next few days, there'il be a link from the Cervelo banner ad to a page that shows you the apparel pieces, as well as prices etc

Sunday 2:11pm in Europe…blue skies, crisp winds, blowing South-Easterly…rode 3 hours this morning…great rides over in Spain…checking in on comments on this…Cervelo is king…the decision has been made.

Coincidence that the corporate colours of Cervelo are our colours too…go figure…

So, stay tuned as from Monday for progress on this.

Now that the decision has been made, can you clarify, will the graphic be screened or sublimated?


drags this thread but the scruff of the collar and drags it back to page 1 where it belongs…way to go Gerard. I may buy a Cervelo on the merit of this move alone.

now i almost wish i rode a cervelo…

I guess this is what the shirts will look like?


I like the photo better than the sketch - it’s a nice looking shirt.

The fact that Cervelo will offer such great prices and merchandise AND accept Paypal seals the deal for me. This makes it so much easier for those of us (quite a few, actually) that do not reside in the USA. Sign me up for at least one of each of whatever items are decided upon.

I could live without the Tom D. quote, though. No offense to Tom, but it just seems cooler to me to claim membership in a “tribe” and not try to explain it to non-members.


I think Gerard just bitch-slapped all the other offers and sent them home crying. This isn’t to say that I didn’t like the Oomph/Hincapie designs, but he has raised the bar to a degree where I don’t feel that any other manufacturer could, or would be willing to compete.

Sperra/others, we have a winner.

Khai, I have to agree 100%! I just caught up to the end of the post and got to your re-cap of Gerard’s generous offer.

Damn! Gerard! You are a very generous and giving man, and that $500 kick was simply a beautiful gesture. Now I have another reason to be able to say that I am very proud to say that I ride a P2K!

A very Merry Christmas, to you and your family, Mr Vroomen.



bump…that remionds me…get the bicycle pump from home for the turbo trainer here at work!!!. Work = parents’ home!!!

Good morning Stephen, It’s a wicked 2 degrees (F) and a wind chill in the -10’s. I’ve been at work the last two days so I need an update on what is going on.

Jeff Morrow

my firefighting friend…yes, we have great news…Cervelo are doign it for us…read back the posts…you’ll see Mr. cervelo writing in…read back…oh, it’s 17 degrees centigrade here…sun is out…great day…crisp and clear!

bump - let us know when the order form is up and running.


p.s. awesome job Stephen!

…I’m sure Gerard has his people on it as we speak…it’s gonna be classic…thanks for the support…we’re all gonan be wearing great gear…

…I’m sure Gerard has his people on it as we speak…it’s gonna be classic…thanks for the support…we’re all gonan be wearing great gear…

Makes me even happier to ride my red Cervelo! Bump.


is there any way to ‘sticky’ this thread so it stays on the front page?

Please give us a couple of days to figure out the best and cheapest way to arrange shipping, and then I will post the info here and start the ordering process.

awesome - please accept the thanks of a grateful tribe

