I came down with ITB syndrome about 6 weeks ago, but I didn’t know it for a couple of weeks. I kept trying to run through the pain until the pain won and I was injured. I saw an orthopedist (surely the spelling nazis will cut me some slack on that one) three weeks ago, and he diagnosed the ITBS. His recommendation was 4 weeks of no running, daily stretching and anti-inflammatory meds.
3 weeks into my “recovery,” I went out and attempted to run a few laps on a padded track. I started to feel the pain after about a half mile, so I stopped.
I’m starting to approach my first “A” race (one of three, each spaced about 6 weeks apart). I’m already willing to concede all non-“A” races, should the ITBS problem continue, but I don’t want to stay on the bench for any more time when it seems that refraining from running doesn’t appear to have helped for squat so far.
Here’s my question: do those of you who suffer (or have suffered) from ITBS continue to run during your recovery? Can I heal and train at the same time? I’m still biking and runing, but I really want to get running again.
Any help would be appreciated. This is really getting me down…