Is there a ST OB/GYN Available for a Question

about my wife’s vagi gi?

Please PM me.

try a pm to holdencain. He used to post a lot and has volunteered to answer va-jay-jay questions in the past.

Good luck to you both!

You are such a guy you don’t even know how to spell va-jay-jay. And a very good husband for coming over here to ask for help.


Dr. Holdencain and Dr. Roof have been nomitated to sainthood for their time in answering dumb ST questions.

Nice guys!

So I’m guessing you are wondering what’s wrong wth LT’s wifes Va Jay Jay. In a nutshell, it’s numb. She went on her first century ride and it has been numb for three weeks since. Dr. Holdencain says not to worry it will come back. Anyone else have any experience with this that I can pass along to Mrs. Numbjunk?

Look into a combination of riding position, saddle and shorts that eliminates pressure down there.

Oh no! Your poor wife!

I’ve had numb parts for several days (5 or so, nothing like 3 weeks) and better padding, positioning (if I recall correctly we tilted the saddle down a bit, but that was before I decided I didn’t want to be one of those girls who has to constantly defer to her bf in bike-related matters, so don’t quote me) and a new saddle (which I may still switch again) all played a role for me.

Glad to help…


I’m guessing you’ll be feeling some pain if she figures out you’re calling her Mrs. Numbjunk on an internet forum. Or maybe she’s nicer than I am. But I’d hurt you.

I really need to friend her on FB so I can share these gems with her :slight_smile:

she’s not on FB. nope.

The Mrs. Numbjunk made me laugh. And considering I am super stressed about a project deadline, it was much needed.