Or is it my computer?
It’s mostly down. Keep reloading, and eventually you’ll get in.
I reloaded for the first time in 3 hours and got it - YES!
It’s getting a little ridiculous. I’m resorting to having three windows going to update on race stories and search for friends (StevieK beat Jalabert out of the water), and now am listening to the spotter audio feed.
I finally got it. Thank you. You would think they would put a little more thought into the production qualities of this thing?
It’s heartbreaking when you get back in< have like 10 minutes and then it goes out again. I would even give up the video just for an uninterrupted audio feed of the announcing at this point.
It would be nice. The set looks horrible, maybe NBC took all the money:) Still when it works it’s great to watch.