So the IMSG singlet and shorts are super sick and quite comfy. Is it bad form to wear them in the event. I know it shouldn’t matter and its kind of a lame question but what are the thoughts?
Who cares? You like them, then wear them!
How many 100 mile rides have you done with them on? They might be comfy now but what about at mile 110 on the bike. You also might have chafing problems since it will be the first time you have had them on for extended periods of time. Race in what you have trained in.
From a fashion point, its all good, and is fairly common to see. I guarantee there will be lots of people wearing the same IMSG gear. If you have family trying to pick you it, this won’t make it any easier, but thats life. As another poster said, the big risk, is not having worn the clothing before in training, so there are no guarantees it will be comfy the whole day - chaffing sucks.
Have fun.