Is anyone using PowerTap on a Cervelo P3?

I posted a few weeks back about problems with putting my PowerTap onto a Cervelo P3. I did get it to work for a couple of days, but the setup had to be very precise and I haven’t got it to work again since. In desperation I’ve put it back on my Cannondale bike and it’s working perfectly. Setup was simple, I just put the receiver on in the approximately correct location and it works fine!

So… has anyone else setup their PowerTap properly on a P3? If so, did you experience any problems? I was trying to mount the receiver on the seat stays (as the manual recommends) and in the correct position, 5-7" from the hub. But I can only get the thing to work properly when the bike is in my trainer, whereas on the Cannondale it works in or out of the trainer and outdoors on the road. Has anyone got it working okay?