Ironman Texas - weather concern

Has anyone done IMTX? My husband and I are considering it for 2013 (I know we need to decide soon!) but I am concerned about the weather. We live in Indiana so would be training during the winter and colder temps. I’m worried we won’t be prepared for the heat/humidity. The timing is good for us though to do one earlier in the summer vs. later (we did IMKY this year). Any suggestions on how to prepare for a race in another climate is much appreciative. (I’ve been told to invest in a space heater for indoor workouts!)

I’ve had to do some heat acclimatization to get ready to spend a week crewing runners in Death Valley in July. This is what I did:

  1. Drive around with the heat blasting in the car
  2. Overdress for workouts
  3. Spend time in the sauna and hot tub
  4. Did a sweat test to figure out how much water I needed to replace in the heat
  5. Space heater in front of tmill and trainer

If you can get there at least a couple days early do some short workouts in the heat. It will give you a feel for how you will react to it.

The key that I found is to never get overheated during the race to begin with. My best race performances have been in 95+ degree heat and I started cooling myself before I got hot. I wore a bandana around my neck and got it wet every chance I got. I just stayed wet. Once you overheat is is very difficult to cool down without completely stopping. I wore a visor so the top of my head could release heat but the sun was off my face. The arm cooler sleeves can be nice. Just poor water over them but I never ran in high humidity and they may never evaporate enough for the cooling to help.

I hope this helps.

I’ve asked Kristi to chime in. She did IM TX this year, training in Chicago all spring.

But I’d put the timing that works for you high on the list and just deal with the weather. There are ways to train for it.

Ironically, I did both IMTX and IMLOU this year AND I live in Illinois - so I definitely know what you mean about training in colder temps during the winter. In the end, I found IMTX to be a great race and the heat (and yes, it was HOT) didn’t bother me nearly as much as the heat at IMLOU did. Weird, huh?

I had a base coming off IMFL 2011, but “officially” kicked off IMTX training on Jan 1 this year. I definitely spent a lot of time on my trainer in the basement as well as on the treadmill and / or indoor track at the gym. I didn’t go as far as a space heater in the basement, but I did wear long sleeves and capri bike pants for most of my long rides. My longest trainer ride was 6 hours and no, it was not fun, but I managed with the help of trashy tv on the dvr. I also bundled up and rode outside when it was feasible (not much).

I would say that I averaged 2 short trainer rides during the week and one long ride on the weekends pretty consistently up to the race. Given the long winter last year, I didn’t get outside for many long rides in the spring prior to the race.

In April I was able to attend the ST Womens Weekend, which, while still a bit chilly out, gave me a few great days of outdoor riding just when I needed it.

I was concerned about the heat, especially during the week leading up to the race - I struggled just begin outside - but somehow on raceday, the only time I was uncomfortably hot was in the water. The bike and run were fine! (though I WAS happy to see the frozen watermelon at one of the aid stations on the run!). Let me know if you have any questions - I could go on all day :slight_smile:

Let us know what you decide - and consider heading out to the ST Womens Weekend too!

Thank you all very much for your suggestions. I am still thinking things over for 2013 but this helps and I know it’s doable! Training is key and I am not one to miss workouts so not worried about that. (though in our cold and icy winters its easy to make up excuses!) I will definitely have to get used to longer hours on the trainer if I choose a May race. I appreciate your help…happy training!!

you need to know how the heat will be different, not all (or many) of your workouts need to be ‘hot’ as long as you are aware of the changes you need to make in pace, hydration and fueling. Do these maybe 1x a week so you don’t overdo it (you’ll get MUCH more out of your training if you train when you can push yourself and will recover much faster if you don’t dehydrate etc…), just enough to know what it feels like and how you respond. Then 2-3 weeks out (during taper is PERFECT because you are just maintaining that fitness/speed/endurance not building it) turn up the heat to aclimate. When you get to Texas try to go as much as possible w/o AC. But also here, don’t overdo it and dehydrate, wear yourself out. During the race put a LOT of ice down your bra, on your head, in your hands. Even consider it on the bike if it’s too hot. Get off the bike at an aid station and grab some ice for your top, shove your arms into the trashcans full of ice water to cool yourself off. When you hydrate, eat and cool yourself for the ‘next’ 10 miles, not necessarily how you are feeling at the moment, you’ll have a successful race.

Studies have shown that those who cool themselves before hot workouts can workout longer, so even if you aren’t too hot in T2, grab ice and start the run cool. Or maybe every other aid station in the 2nd 1/2 of the bike, that :30 seconds of a stop can make a HUGE difference at mile 13 and on of the run.

I’m doing IMTX 2013. It’ll be my first full. I live in South Carolina, in the center of the state (read: hottest and most humid part). And yet, you wouldn’t believe how many people gasp when i say I’m racing in TX. “Don’t you know it gets hot there?” Yeah, and I live in the Arctic Circle, I guess.

Our weather is comparable, so I’m lucky I’ll be able to acclimate. I plan to do a good number of workouts outdoors in the middle of the day. Try to get out in the sun and let it beat down on you, even if the air temp isn’t hot. If you have a laundry room, put some sopping wet towels in the dryer and dry them on high heat while you ride the trainer in the laundry room to simulate the humidity.

I did IMTX in 2011. I suggest getting the long sleeved skin cooler shirt from DeSoto. That thing was a life saver. During the race itself, lots of ice and spongest in your shirt and sports bra.

Even though I live in Houston, I was nervous about the weather. There is a reason there aren’t any long events here after mid-April… I found a couple hot yoga classes were very helpful. Not only did the heat help but it also was a good break and provided an opportunity to stretch.

I absolutely LOVE the IMTX course. The crowd support is amazing. I am hoping I can do it again in 2014.