Ironman 70.3 Valencia start list is massive

Where is the outrage for the # of pros or is it just when it’s primarily US based pros?

I think it’s great that these races are really filling up. All that I think is need is something like a 5-10min gap between the men’s & women’s starts & then I think some thought should be given to the # of start line spots reserved for men & women. Seems like it’s just first come first serve so we get a race with a ton more men. There are more MPros so idk what the breakdown should be but probably not 90-30. & idk if more women wanted to race. I think the system is fair now where you can see if races are filling up far enough out. It’s on you to plan your races & sign up.

That’s not how these things work anymore. Even tho there’s more MPros in the athlete pool IM doing anything other than a 50/50 split is unquestionably misogynistic, sexist, somehow racist, and unable to be rationalized no matter how much it makes sense. If Twitter catches on that it’s first-come-first serve and not an enforced safe space, oh man they better watch out.

There’s a argument to be made for allocating Race Rangers and therefore the limited entries equally. I don’t agree with it, but some will make it. It will state that every individual pro athlete is equally deserving of a slot, and every athlete, man or woman deserves a slot. It will use that point of agreement to twist -since every man and woman deserves a slot, then every M slot should have a W slot. It doesn’t follow logically but it kinda feels like it does.

Either way limiting the field because they didn’t buy enough race rangers is another example of IM being a sh!thole company who consistently value profits 140.6 times more than the product.