I am doing my first ironman in 10 weeks. This only my secong tri ever - the first being an Oly 3 years ago.
As such I have being training on an old 10 speed bike for the last few months putting in the hours at the weekend, with the longest so far being 70 miles.
I dont have big bucks but am a bit scared because the only bike I can affors is inthe 600 bucks range with Shaimano Sora or equivalent Compagnolo group set. Is this ok as I dont want to get sucked into spending 2000k on a bike.
If I get this bike with aeros will it be sufficent if I am fit enough.
At this point, the only thing you should be worried about is whether you have a bike that fits well enough so that is is comfortable for you to go the distance. That may well be your current bike.
If your IM is Lake Placid in 10 weeks, I don’t know if 10 gears is going to be enough. That wouldn’t work for me. Don’t worry about aerodynamics. Saving a couple of minutes is the least of your problems. If you need a new bike, make sure it is comfortable and that you have the range of gears you need.
A Sora equipped bike will probably feel like a $2000 bike compared to your old 10 speed. I think that it will be fine for your race. Just make sure that you get it at a good bike shop where they fit you on it properly and buy it soon so that you get in enough rides on it to be used to it by race day.
I would also make sure to get cycling shoes and clipless pedals if you are still riding with toe clips. You can buy entry level sets that are reasonably inexpensive and it will make 180k much easier.
Hey delboy223, I sell triathlon bikes for aliving, lots of them. Let me tell you something I know from 21 years in the bike industry: It’s the motor, not the bike. With the dedication and determination it sounds like you’ve put in I think you will do just fine. If you have the $600 to get a new bike I would consider it if you think you’ll be in the sport for a while, but it isn’t necessary. You should see pictures of some of the bikes in the first Ironman. I bet the bike you have is probably better than any of those. It’s not the cost of the bike that makes the athlete, its the size of the fight in the athlete. You’ll do fine. Best of luck.