Inguinal hernia and recovery

Has anyone had experience with recovery after having inguinal hernia surgery? I have had discussions with the doctor about recovery schedule, but I wanted to hear form anyone that has actually gone through it.

I am following exactly what the surgeons have suggested for recovery, but it is taking a lot longer than expected. Up to the stage of being able to carry/lift 40lbs, but still not able to swim, bike or run. Because of the lack of movement I am obviously tighter and upper hamstring (very upper) is causing a lot of tightness and aching, not sure if that is the effect of the hernia or not exercising. Doctors say “people get all kinds of aches and pains in the mid section, some are routine, some not so routine”. Was also told that the swelling could stay for up to 6 months or more. Stretching is hard because of residual pain still, but I am trying that as well.

Anyone gone through this that can provide some of their experience and strategy for a more efficient (hopefully fast) recovery?

Has anyone had experience with recovery after having inguinal hernia surgery? I have had discussions with the doctor about recovery schedule, but I wanted to hear form anyone that has actually gone through it.

I am following exactly what the surgeons have suggested for recovery, but it is taking a lot longer than expected. Up to the stage of being able to carry/lift 40lbs, but still not able to swim, bike or run. Because of the lack of movement I am obviously tighter and upper hamstring (very upper) is causing a lot of tightness and aching, not sure if that is the effect of the hernia or not exercising. Doctors say “people get all kinds of aches and pains in the mid section, some are routine, some not so routine”. Was also told that the swelling could stay for up to 6 months or more. Stretching is hard because of residual pain still, but I am trying that as well.

Anyone gone through this that can provide some of their experience and strategy for a more efficient (hopefully fast) recovery?

I had Laporoscopic Inguinal Hernia surgery in December (actually, 12/12/12). Boy, I wasn’t prepared for that one. From everything I heard, I’d be 100% back to normal after a few months. Nope. Not so. Did you have it done laporoscopically?

I was extremely sore after the procedure. A week later, I was walking around a track. I had to be careful when crossing the street to not step off the curb awkwardly or risk pain. Two weeks later, I was doing run/walk combos. Walk for a few mins, run for a few. It was fine. I was running short distances after 3 weeks, then upped my training (for Boston) pretty quickly after that.

I didn’t get into the pool until 6 weeks after the procedure. I was very cautious and kept it very, very easy. I think that actually helped with recovery. I can’t say for sure, but reaching out (very gently) and not letting that area tighten up felt good at the time.

Every once in a while, I feel a tug, or pull in the abdominal section. I’ve consulted with my doc and he said that’s normal, since it can take up to 6 months to completely heal.

In my opinion, you should try to stay active, but keep it very non-strenuous. I think it will help with recovery.

Thanks for your feedback!

Unfortunately I was one of the lucky ones that required the open surgery, I was unable to get the laporoscopic procedure. Not that I wish I had either procedure, but from what I have been told the laporoscopic would have been a much faster and easier road to recover.

I prob should have mentioned the type of surgery in the original post to make it clear…

I had open (not lathroscopic) bilateral sports hernia surgery a couple yrs ago. Not sure how it compares with inguinal hernia surgery. I spent a lot of time on the elliptical machine until things closed up. Then hir the pool. and gradually worked on core exercises and runing. surgery in december. 1/2 marathon PR in March and marathon PR in June. Presurgery symptoms made running semi-painful at times. No sharp pains, just a fair amount of dull pain.

I think a lot of tightness will come from the healing process and scar tissue. After I was clearly recovered I used a trigger point ball on the groin area to work on scar tissue. Not an md, so take the info as such.

Thanks Fastwil…that is helpful info for sure. Different hernia but similar surgery.

I’ve had two open and one laproscopically done hernia procedures over the last 30 years. Seem to last about 10 years for me. Anyway, the laproscopically repaired one was a much faster recovery and less painful overall. I still took a while, maybe a couple months. Biggest thing is don’t rush it. You’ll know when it is ok to do something. Listen to your body, let it heal. In the big scheme of it all, it isn’t that much time.
Wishing you the best!

Thanks Kurt, I appreciate your feedback…we all know how it is sitting here wasting time knowing how much you want to get out there, hell I just tuned up the bike tonight, and still can’t ride it. Time will tell I guess…

I’m probably the outlier here, and not very sensible.

I had double laparoscopic inguinal repair last summer, few days before the Olympics started, not a bad fortnight to have off work :wink:

3 weeks later I raced in the UK National Club Relays and ran an 18 minute-ish 5k. First fews days after surgery I did nothing, about a week after I tried sitting my bike on the turbo and did a gentle spin. Light jog which developed into short zone 2 run after about 10 days, after around a fortnight I did a tempo-ish 10k and a sufferfest (HHNF if I remember…) threshold sesh on the turbo. Relays went ok, a bit weak on the bike and the swim was really poor because it was tough to stretch through the mid section, but I ran pretty close to PB pace.

Different strokes for different folks, it’s obvious I’m not in the majority and as above, it was probably pushing it quite a bit. No long term damage, it seems. I had a follow-up MRI as it was still a bit lumpy a couple months after repair, but came back clear with no recurrence.


Rich, I could only wish I was on that side of the bell curve that you were on! Thanks for your input.

Hi Brian, I had an open elective surgery 3 years ago (right side inguinal hernia) and involved only putting a mesh around the opening and stitching the mesh to the flesh. Back then, I wasnt into swimbikerun yet but was playing basketball & windsurfing frequently.

The doctor’s orders were no contact sports and no heavy lifting (+10kg) for 4 weeks. I played lightly from 5th to 8th week and was back to normal play starting week 8. However, when I was windsurfing (which involves heavy lifting the sail) 8 weeks after, I felt pain in the area for 2 weeks and was constantly dreaming of re-occurence, which scared me. I didn’t windsurf until week16.

It was also the time I started running (5 weeks post op) and so far the doctor cleared the sport. The one thing that you dont want to do is stretching the torso area which is really painful. LOL (I did my usual hip extensor stretch and shouted at the track during the first few days of my running). I got my first bike about 8 months after which was no problem. I was back to lifting weights only after a year.

I hope you’ll have a fast recovery and back in action soon. :slight_smile:

Thanks Koy. That sounds very similar to the level I am at now unfortunately, similar mesh insertion as well. Again I will follow the directions, and hearing helpful info from you guys here is always good. I know everyone heals differently, I just hope this is not a 6 month plus healing process. Appreciate your feedback!

Inguinal 5 years ago, just mesh in place. doctor said I could run in 3 weeks, tried and failed…took 8 weeks. Probably would have been okay at 5-6, it was more a mental thing…I felt like my bladder was weakened, I guess it is a “rare” hernia for females. I had numbness and tugging for several years…mostly felt while biking.

Thanks Runaround, the biking in my concern as well based on the positioning, so how s it now, did the numbness and pain go away since?

Thanks Runaround, the biking in my concern as well based on the positioning, so how s it now, did the numbness and pain go away since?

The “tugging” was never really painful, just concerning as I felt like I was ripping something. Numbness went on for several years, just an annoyance.

I had open surgery to repair a right inguinal hernia just under 4 weeks ago - so i’m still trying to figure out what exercises I can and can’t do.

  • walking : good.
  • gentle cycling : that was a mistake! Caused the sensation of pressure I had before the surgery to return! I stopped this immediately and won’t try again for a few more weeks. Luckily it seems to have subsided since then. Fingers crossed it hasn’t caused any lasting damage.
  • gentle swimming : this was great, will do more of this. I was able to push quite a bit harder than I had expected too.

re swimming: I read somewhere the water equalizes the internal abdominal pressure, making it less risky than other types of cardio exercise for hernia recovery. But, i’d advise you to do your own research here rather than taking my word for it.

I had laproscopic inguinal hernia repair 4 weeks ago yesterday. I am 55. I am back to everything except heavy lifting. Was cycling after 2 weeks. Started swimming this week. Swimming tugs a bit on my stomach and feels a bit strange. Cycling is fine now but hurt a bit after two weeks. Standing and talking, which is what my job is about, was the most painful before and after the surgery. The more I talked the more painful it was, which is why I had to have the surgery.

I had this repair done approx 20 years ago. The procedure must be more advanced now?
I was operated on june 30 and was back racing beginning of Sept. I was told I could do some EASY jogging 4 weeks post.
To me…this was an extremely painful procedure(maybe I had a butcher?)…I truly hope the techniques have improved for you. I will never forget the 6 days post surg. I felt great day after in hospital with demerol…then released. Come home and feel great…then WHAM once demerol wore off…tylenol just didn’t even put a dent in the pain.
I had swelling around the incision for approx 4-5 months. I didn’t even try to stretch due to pain.
Good luck…If you are smart and careful…you should be back racing soon

Hey there,

I thought I would Google “Inguinal Hernia Triathlete” and walahh

I have a 4mm Inguinal Hernia on my right side where I am booked in for Laparoscopic Surgery on the 12th of June. I pretty sure I got it from tinkering at home with the new camper trailer, but none the less, 8 days before my 40th and in I go for hopefully something simple that may never haunt me again???

I’m curious to see how you are going and your progress as I have already missed 4 weeks training due to the pain. It has taken them 3 months and another Ultrasound to work out the issue. With an Olympic race coming up in August i’m feeling very doomed and that maybe I should cut back to a sprint?? Most feeds here seem positive which is great, although, when people say listen to the body post surgery…having a niggle, twitch, pain, pull or whatever, it will hopefully be easy for me to recognize it and slow up or stop…

Lets hope most people including me can get back to full speed within 8 weeks at the latest? ** **


Hey there,

I thought I would Google “Inguinal Hernia Triathlete” and walahh

I have a 4mm Inguinal Hernia on my right side where I am booked in for Laparoscopic Surgery on the 12th of June. I pretty sure I got it from tinkering at home with the new camper trailer, but none the less, 8 days before my 40th and in I go for hopefully something simple that may never haunt me again???

I’m curious to see how you are going and your progress as I have already missed 4 weeks training due to the pain. It has taken them 3 months and another Ultrasound to work out the issue. With an Olympic race coming up in August i’m feeling very doomed and that maybe I should cut back to a sprint?? Most feeds here seem positive which is great, although, when people say listen to the body post surgery…having a niggle, twitch, pain, pull or whatever, it will hopefully be easy for me to recognize it and slow up or stop…

Lets hope most people including me can get back to full speed within 8 weeks at the latest? ** **


I would say 8 weeks is plenty of time. I was back in the pool and on the bike post 4 weeks. Trust me, the first couple of weeks you’re not going to want to do anything but rest! I had two inguinal hernias on the left side laproscopic repair on Dec 4th last year and was back at training in January, 2014. They had to put in a 4x6" piece of mesh for my repair. For the first week it is difficult and somewhat painful to get around. The second week better, and so on. Your belly will be blown up like a fish, but no worries it will go away. TAKE it easy and listen to your surgeon!!
Good luck.

As I posted in my reply above, I had an inquinal hernia and had it repaired laporoscopically in December 2012.

One marathon (Boston 2013) and two Iron distance races later (B2B Oct 2013 and IMTX May 2014) and I’m headed to the doc today to get it checked out b/c I think the mesh has torn or failed in some way. I sure hope that’s not the case! Doc told me it should last about 10 years for most people.

I went in one and a half years ago to have the procedure done. Have any of you experienced a failure in that short a time?