It is 1:45 (central), and there is this OLN coverage of a lunatic fringe desert multi-marathon. Lo and behold, I am watching Tom Demerly in a crazy looking foreign-legion type hat getting his blisters cared for, and then humping his ass over multiple sand dunes. 120 degrees on the sand, according to the announcer.
What the hell is the matter with you, anyway? :^)
I just watched that also. Saw the Bikesport hat thinking that might be tom and then the announcer says it is.
Your feet looked bad, that must have been some major pain. They even had you biting on your hat as they took care of you.
I hope that you weren’t on your current coffee and cherry pie diet when you did the race.
Part of my 15 minutes of fame. I just turned down another part of the 15 minutes as a military analyst for Fox Network last weekend. They wanted me to work the 3 A.M. to 6 A.M. shift (so no one could see me). I have an excellent face for radio. And by the way, I did the entire race on MREs and taco sauce. No kidding.
Yeah, me too! I was setting up my bike on the trainer and heard this voice during the intro: “I’ve done 7 Ironmans, those are nothing compared to this.” and thought, gee that sounded just like Tom D. Because, of course, it was.
Of course, the sick part is that after watching the show I’m starting to think it might be “fun” to do that race. Maybe I’ll do Badwater first and how that goes…
Rock on, Tom.
I’ve only done 3 Ironmans: Hawaii 1986, Canada 1997 and Canada 1999.
Hmmm. Maybe it wasn’t you then. Or maybe I need my hearing checked. Probably the latter - unless there were some other midwesterners there.
better job than a lot of the dumb asses the networks gave time too.