…wait 'til you read this!
An independent, unfunded research firm, TRI_BRI2CO, recently examined bicycle death rates in the U.S., and found that they were 10.3% higher under the Clinton Administration than the current Bush Administration. From 1993 to 2000, a whopping 6,198 people died in bicycle accidents in the U.S., an average of 775 per year. Aggressive action by the Bush Administration to reduce bicycle deaths has brought the average annual death toll down by 10.3%, to 695 per year. Safety advocates, however, blame the Bush Administration for not going far enough by failing to ban bicycle sales outright, or at least eliminating all bicycle advertisements to children under 16 and hairy men in Lycra shorts. A spokesman for the Clinton Administration denied that Sam Walton’s contributions to Clinton’s presidential campaigns had any connections to their utter disregard for public safety.
Is the death data in this post accurate? Absolutely. Is the write up intellectually honest? Absolutely not.
What are my point(s)?
Under our representative republican form of government, it is not the responsibility of the federal government to solve every and all problems. States, counties, cities, and even (gasp) individuals have the DUTY to share in solving our problems. Not every fat kid in the U.S. got fat in the last 3 years. Therefore, it is not GWB’s fault. Where were the parents? Guess what I see when I see fat adults? I see fat kids right behind them. If Momma and Poppa can’t stop stuffing their pieholes, how do you expect the kids to?
Companies (which are owned by people) have a right to sell products, even those that through their misuse/abuse, may cause injury or death. Protecting the right of companies to engage in free commerce is one of the jobs of our government.
Advertising is a form of freedom of speech that is guaranteed under the First Amendment. What would Francois or Cerveloguy say if the Bush Administration banned sales of Playboy? CENSORSHIP!! Am I right? Be intellectually honest now.
Eating at McDonalds or Wendy’s in a responsible manner (once or twice a week with reasonable portion sizes) never hurt anyone, and in fact, can be beneficial IF your only other choice is to skip a meal. Meat, bread, lettuce, cheese, pickles, ketchup, mustard, and potatoes are not toxic or cancer-causing.
Much of the agenda of the UN and its’ subsidiaries such as the WHO, is an out-and-out assault against capitalism in general and the US in particular. It is only a thinly-disguised attempt to redistribute wealth FROM the US to the rest of the world.
In general (IMO), liberals are much less likely to be intellectually honest than conservatives. You never heard the NOW complain about Bill Clinton, the serial rapist, because he supported their agenda. OTOH, many, many conservatives are expressing dismay over some of GWB’s proposals. I support GWB in his actions in Iraq, but I also supported Clinton in his actions in Bosnia, which were EXACTLY like what GWB is doing in Iraq. I also supported BC on NAFTA and Welfare Reform (interesting how much unemployment dropped after those were passed). Most liberals will never give GWB credit for anything or ever admit that Clinton did anything wrong.
I am dismayed how many triathletes–independent, energetic, mostly successful, smart and fit people–want/need some form of external mandate to enable them to lead their lives.
Just my (not so humble–according to my wife) opinions hopefully stated in a somewhat funny and thought-provoking manner. Oh, yeah–Happy MLK Day. I, as a conservative, do truly hope that someday all will be judged by the content of their character and not their color, race, or religion, and not just because the government says we have to or sets some quotas.