If you could give ONE tip

Miles make champions - Arthur Lydiad.

Put in as many high quality miles as your body can tolerate without breaking down.


to reiterate some of the replies above (and what worked best for me):

  1. swim: masters… hands down. they’ll ingraine technique and rhythym in your stroke whether you like it or not.

  2. bike: roadies… they’ll push you to your limits, time and again, and you won’t even know what hit you.

  3. run: hills… all i can say is hills.

After a long morning in the pool doing drills and long intervals, you must do long bricks.

Very interesting tips posted here - some very sound, and others - yikes! Now, it would be interesting for these same pundits to post their respective PR’s or year-over-year improvements in the various disciplines with which they opine.

Swim: The easiest and quickest way to get faster is not to pull harder, but to pull more water.

Bike: Find your most aerodynmaic position, then work and pretend your a missle.

Run: Hills, hills, and a mountain.

Swim/Bike/Run: Body composition matters. A lot.

If you are carrying extra baggage, you can improve your times the most by getting really lean. It will have a bigger impact on your time than most of the training tips given above. Leanness is 90% nutrition and 10% exercise.