I ran over this thing!

I ran over this thing!


It looks like you ran over Bigfoot while he was napping.

Goodtime: 1 …Dead thing: 0

RIP dead thing!

Consider yourself very fortunate to be telling us about this.

I was going down my favorite downhill descent, pedal to the metal, on the aerobars at over 50 kms when a rabbit ran in front of me. Fortunately I also survived but just barely.

That’s the last time I’ve ever rode aero bars on a tri bike on a curvy fast downhill descent. It’s much safer on my road bike drop bars with your hands on the brakes in anticipation.

It looks like a big cow turd.

It’s GT

It looks like one of those soft-focus paintings by Gerhard Richter. I’m glad you survived to show us the tail/tale.

It looks like the gopher from “Caddyshack”…

Just be happy it wasn’t a moose…

Reason # 14 for shaving your legs: Gopher (squirrel, rabbit…) guts come off smooth legs with a quick wipe.

That was my brother you murderer.
And Trijihad911, what kind of religion do you have that does not hold the glorious Gopher in high regards? From now on you will have to watch your back (and were you put your feet.) These acts are utterly dispicable and now the world will feel our rath. Rise Up! Rise Up! I say all you who burrow in the ground and liv off bugs, grass, and powerbar wrappers.

   Vengence is mine sayith the Gopher (and no, not the bike.)

Could it be?..





Quick! Get Rummy on this. The Varmint Cong are attacking on all fronts. Millions of helpless cyclists are under direct threat! Raise the Terrorism Threat Level! Send in the Marines! Attack!

How did the Gopher fair?

I used to ride a bike path regularly. It ran though a wooded area along an old raidroad track. Its a tourist attraction and a popular outdoor activity for riding, walking, jogging, blading, etc., so you can’t fly on it, but its usful for some workouts. Once, while on a straight, clear stretch, deep in the woods where people are scarse, I was doing about 22mph when I came up on a guy with his dogs (hunting dogs - beagles - a whole pack). I could hear that all the dogs were in the woods away from the path. Except for one. A puppy. It began to trot merrily onto the path as I moved as far as I could to the other side. I got over as far as I could, but I was going too fast and didn’t have enough time to get out of the aero bars. I don’t know which was worse - the wailing the dog let out or the feeling of it going under first the front wheel, then the back. Somehow I didn’t wreck. After letting out what was probably an incomprehensible stream of explitives regarding leash laws, and hunting on a public bike path, I decided not to stop and check on the dog. How could I be so uncaring? Did I mention that the guy whose dog I just ran over and swore at was carrying a shotgun?