I give up!

There’s no room for positioning threads in the world anymore…


Obviously I’m on a big frame cause all spacers are taken off and in my opinion I should go a little lower. But this is what I have to play with. I haven’t actually ridden this position since I took out the last 5mm of spacers so this might not be very comfortable but I suspect that I would manage it. Regarding the saddle height: it’s where I like it.

Flame on. I’m bored, so that’s why I’m doing this. Tomorrow I’m gonna get filmed in the pool, that’ll be cool.

I started humming the Star Spangled Banner when I looked at your pics.

Sweet Marshal stack! “I like distortion when I bar chord” - Frank Black

I’m sorry my telecaster didn’t get to be in the pic.

Do up your shoes.

I don’t think that’s a Marshall, is it? Fender maybe (can’t read it).

Your photo is blurry.

Going lower is unlikely to give you any aero benefits, since your head is already level with your back.

a fender amp on a marshall cabinet?? is that legal

The amp is a Fender London Reverb the speakers are Marshall 1960A

Sweet. I’d love it, but I like in an apartment. Cue the worlds smallest violin :frowning:

I make do with my Traynor 20 W - all valves. get the nice distortion at volumes that doesn’t disturb the ENTIRE building.

I have a competitor for the messiest apartment of the year award. I thought I had that wrapped up in my position thread…although mine was worse, I must admit.

You saddle is a bit on the high side. Also tilt your aerobars slightly up and you’re all set.

Pretty good position though :slight_smile:

What mountain is that?

Dude are you like 8 feet tall?

Hey, I did the exact same paint job on one of my dining room walls!

If you’re referring to the pictures on the wall, it’s from Nepal. It’s not a mountain top but a pass called Ganja La between the Langtang valley and the Helambu valley. 5106m altitude.

It was all snow and vertical and i had never done anything like it before. I have never been that scared before and hope I will never again. I have the pictures up to remind me of what I promised myself if I came out of it alive. And cause they remind me of an awesome time. And to show off of course:)

6’2" and I’m on a 61cm frame

Your frame is too big…and that room is a mess…are the newspapers for the puppy?

Yeah my frame is too big, I’m gonna cut off the top tube, seat tube, and the head tube tomorrow and weld it back together again a 48.

How long is that stem? It looks like 120mm or so? Smaller frame’s going to leave you with a longer one, obviously.

Even my eye, which always prefers a higher saddle than SAC does, thinks your saddle is too high.

A Tele, Fender London Reverb…and…what? a Marshall cab? I’d like to hear that tone…What kind of sound are you going for with that setup? Why not a Bassman 2x12 speaker cab?

“But, this one goes to eleven”.