How were your past two weeks? Dec. 10 Edition

Hope everyone’s doing well. How were your past two weeks and what are your goals for the upcoming one?


11-26 to 12-2
M - 12 mi bike
T - 40 mi bike
W - 2000 yd swim, 0:20 stairmaster
T - 2200 yd swim, walk 2.3 mi, 1:15 stairmaster
F - 18 mi bike
S - 2000 yd swim, walk 2 mi, 1:00 stairmaster
S - 15 mi bike, 0:30 elliptical

Totals: 6.2k swim, 85 mi bike, 4.3 mi walk, 3:05 other

12-3 to 12-9
M - 4 mi run + 4000 yd swim
T - 8 mi run
W - off
T - 3.5 mi run + 1:20 stairmaster + 0:45 yoga
F - 7 mi run + 0:55 stairmaster
S - 6.5 mi run + 0:45 elliptical + 1:45 yoga
S - 7.5 mi run + 6000 yd swim

Totals: 10k swim, 36.5 mi run, 5:45 other

I flew home Tuesday night/Wednesday (that was helpful in getting a day off ;-). I had x rays taken on Dec. 3 and was told that the stress reaction looked really good and I could go by how it felt. It has felt ok to run so I have been running and trying really hard not to overdo it. Thus this week’s goals include (1) at least one day w/o running, and (2) not more than 35 miles. Other goals = swim a couple times, bike a couple times, and LIFT TWICE (my bones need it so badly).

Food has been better since I got home but is not perfect. I had a rough end to the semester food-wise, but am trying to get settled now - and I am doing better.

Other goals for this week: since classes are done, I am supposed to be working on research!
-analyze new data
-draft of paper to resubmit
-practice Dutch (I have language lessons next Monday :slight_smile:

week before last was awesome and last week was going well right up until saturday afternoon - i got head-butted in the face (directly in the left goggle) at lane swim right after my first flip turn. swam side-stroke back to the shallow end, took a couple of minutes to try to sort myself out, tried another 50 and couldn’t take the pressure of my goggles on the eye socket. at least they gave me a pass for a free swim so i only wasted the gas to get to the pool and back…

between the resulting split skin (found out i was bleeding once i got back to the change room) and black eye plus a bunch of stuff to do with christmas, i didn’t get any training in this past weekend at all. i did go for a 20-30min walk each day, but it was all shopping, wrapping and putting up christmas lights other than that.

this week’s goals:

  • run x 5
  • bike x 2
  • swim x 4
  • core/strength x 4

have a wedding reception wednesday evening, so that’ll be a no-go training day. i’d like to tell myself it doesn’t matter because it’s the off-season, but i do have a 3 hour trail race on jan 19th…

2012 record so far:

  • running in snow-related groin injury in january
  • foot sliced open at lane swim in february
  • broke toe at start of tri swim in june
  • broke wrist in august at off-road tri
  • broke another toe in october
  • black eye at lane swim in december


-mistress k

Decided to hire a coach again after a very painful, personal worst half marathon the Sunday after Thanksgiving. I had a marathon on my sched for end of January but have since downgraded it to a half.

I’m working with Joanna Zeiger and I’m pretty excited about it. I won’t be giving details on my workouts but here is the gist:

Week after Thanksgiving:
2 swims - That’s all

Last week
Mon - Off
Tues - Run
Wed - Run
Thurs - Swim 1200
Fri - Run
Sat - Run
Sun - Run
Totals - Run 20 miles, Swim 1200y

This week
Mon - Off. Was going to swim but the Patriots game is on at 5:30 so I won’t have time
Tues - Run
Wed - Run
Thurs - Run
Fri - Run
Sat - Run
Sun - Run

The last two weeks have been up and down for me. The week of Nov 26-Dec 2, I managed to get all of my workouts done on Monday - Wednesday including 2 runs, a bike, a swim, and strength. Wednesday night I realized I had a low grade fever and was faced for the second time ever the question of whether or not to bail on a race (trail marathon) I had on the schedule for Sunday due to illness. In a 10 year plus racing career, I have only been faced with that question once and that time I had food poisoning/stomach flu so the answer was pretty obvious. I took Thursday off and felt a bit better by Friday. I decided to take the road trip to the race since I was traveling with 3 good friends (one who was celebrating a birthday) knowing I could bail on the race in the morning or bail at any point during the race if I felt bad again. I ended up racing and finishing. It was not my finest performance on that course but considering the race had 2400+ feet of climbing (alot for a midwestern) and I have only been training again for less than 11 weeks since a 8 week total break to let my wrist heal and 6 weeks of recovery training with no workouts more than 45 min in length, I was happy to finish. I felt like me again. There was one super low point during the race at around mile 7/8. I tripped over a rock and when down hard. I was physically ok - some minor leg scrpaed- but it rocked me mentally. This was the first fall since I broke my wrist and I just freaked out. I sat there in a bawling, hyperventilating heap. A fellow runner stopped, helped me up and then ran with me until I calmed down. It was so odd to not have control over my emotions. After a couple of minutes I was ok and me and my new friend split up. I tried to drop out at the next aid station as I wasn’t completely over the fall yet but another runner stepped in and lead me out of the aid station telling me we were going to finish this thing. By the time I got to the next aid station there were only 10 miles left so I decided to finish. I love the support of other runners on the trails.

Last week started off good with workouts completed on Monday through Wednesday including two swims, a bike, strength, and a run. On Thursday, the plaque from last week either decided to come back or I caught a new bug. This one had me down through the weekend minus my participating in an intrasquad swim meet on Saturday morning. I felt horrible but did manage a PR in the 100 IM and the 25 of fly of that IM was the first 25 Fly I have done since April.

This week, I hope to get back on track and have a schedule that looks like this"
Monday - run/strength
Tuesday - bike/strength
Wednesday - run/swim
Thurs- Rest
Friday - run/strength
Sat - long run/swim
Sun - long ride

Have a great week everyone!!!

Congrats on the finish!

Happy to read everyone’s posts; I didn’t realize how much I missed this thread. Of course I do not understand why JenSw is choosing football over swimming!

Week of 11/26
Mon-off sick
Tues- off sick
Wed-off sick
Thur-swim 1000 yds (swimming usually makes me feel better when I am sick)
Sat & Sun- worked a swim meet (on feet all day).

Week of 12/3
Mon-Swim 1200 yds
Tue-Run & Yoga
Fri- off
Sat-Elliptical & Swim 1200 yds
Sun- Tinsel Triathlon-- reverse sprint, finished 17th in my AG, 7 minutes faster than last time I did this race (2010). Working my way up the AG that I will not be in next year. In AG there were 32 women. Splits were 26th fastest run, 13th fastest bike, & 2nd fastest swim. Happy with the results…now on to conquer Oceanside at the end of March.

Thur-swim 1000 yds (swimming usually makes me feel better when I am sick)

It’s the best way to get decongested :smiley: glad you feel better. Nice job in the reverse tri!

Ha! It is actually a rest day on my schedule but I’ve enjoyed swimming and thought about getting one in. Then I realized the Patriots game starts at 5:30 and Tom Brady trumps all.

Jen - I love that you will skip swimming for NFL :-). Glad to hear about the coach, hope it goes well. I know you can do a great race in Jan!

Instigator - you did it though - many people would not even start or worse - quit.

K - I’ve been there, swimming like that sucks balls (did IMNZ with a broken nose).

Day 10 of December and just shy of 100k of running so far. I have a busy week with two long runs on the weekend, and I should total 85-90k of running this week. My goal is 200mi (320k) for December, so that would put me at close to 190k through 16 days. Had a bad Monday last week though with a major migraine. I have noticed I am feeling a lot more dehydrated these days, so am drinking more water than ever. Will mention it to my doc at the next checkup.

Other than that, trying to keep my legs and feet in good enough shape to keep running!

Oh and I got my official Comrades race # (22782) so I am feeling kinda excited! (even though it’s 6mo away).


Sounds like everyone’s doing pretty well!

Last two weeks were OK, I think… I didn’t have much training because I was prepping for my in-person board exam, which I took last Saturday.
Dec. 1 I did a crazy CX race, won a bike computer, a growler and gift cert to fill it, t-shirt, and a gift cert to road ID. Not bad for a non-sanctioned, free race in the 'hood!

Last week was final prepping and trying not to go crazy. Flew out Fri., took 5.5 hr oral / demonstrative exam Saturday. I got the results of the two computer parts I took 3 weeks ago on Friday, but I didn’t look until after Saturday’s exam because if I hadn’t passed, it would have thrown me for Saturday for sure. I passed the computer stuff - yay!!! So if I passed the hands-on board exam, I’ll be a nationally certified orthotist! However, I felt like I failed. Spent Sat. night reliving all the mistakes I made during the exam that I didn’t realize at the time.

Ran 3mi on Thursday, ankle got slightly sore. Ran another 3mi last night, ankle got sore near the end. Seeing my sports guy on Friday… sounds like it might be tibialis posterior - not sure exactly why it would be ‘angry’ but I’ll have sports guy take a look.

Found a half marathon I’d like to do on groundhog day…
Had been thinking about a spring marathon but I don’t think it is going to fit into my other race goals for 2013.

In other news, also on my run last night I was really out of breath - and my effort level was pretty high for the speed I was doing (I was going what would be my slow poke chatty hardly break a sweat speed)… as I was in the last CX race… and my feet are frozen. I’m thinking my iron has dropped again… grrr…
I’m wondering if I should brow-beat a dr. to work with me more closely on this so I can determine the appropriate amount of supplementation. The larger question though is WHY does it keep dropping?

The larger question though is WHY does it keep dropping?

The obvious one you’ve likely already thought of: does it coincide with when you get your period?

CONGRATS on being done with the exams, and even more so on passing the computer part. I am sure the practical exam went well too and will keep my fingers crossed for you. At any rate now you are free from studying :slight_smile:

I have been tapering for the last two weeks, so kind of going crazy. Glad that’s over.
The marathon was on Sunday. Glad that’s over.

Very quick report
It was in the 60’s and very humid and windy. And they changed the course so hillier than last year as well. I was aiming for a 3:20. When I saw the weather conditions I adjusted my expectations to a 3:30. I was on pace until about 20 miles, coming off the lake there are a few hills. I just couldn’t get my heart rate down after that and ended up w/ a 3:36. Very happy to be done, but very disappointed in my time.

I guess that’s why we all keep racing. Because we believe we can do better next time…

Happy training.

I’ll take a look at that but I don’t think so - I can track it.
I had a difficult time on the turkey trot I did on Nov. 17th… Then was mostly ok on CX race on the 22nd… then a tough time on Dec. 1, then super bad runs last week and last night. So it seems like it’s been a gradual decline.

congrats on the finish and wishes for a good week or two of recovery.

Did some testing last week and just starting a schedule. I need to slow down running, which I have down for two workouts this week, 7:45 pace does not seem any easier than the 7:15 I was doing…but I am trying to be good about it. Ran my slowest 5 mile at a turkey trot and got beat by 2 high school girls…manage to hold off the college girls by a few seconds to pick up a 3rd and a 10 pound turkey!

I have been biking too easy through my recovery weeks and I will pay the price tomorrow with intervals. swimming coming along, I hope…

I did my third Ironman tri on Sunday at the Busselton IM (Western Australia) on a 31+ degree (celcius) day (rumours have it peaking at 34)… 1:03swim, 5:32 bike, 4:21run and a few mins in transitions = 11hr3min and came 3rd in my age group (35-39 females) which i know isn’t that fast compared to some, but still, i’m happy with 3rd (and a trophy) missed Kona slot by one place = 11 mins. next time! still a lot of improvements to be made and i was only aiming to be in the top 25th percentile so i’m a slightly sore, losing a couple of toenails, happy camper!

Next goal is to go sub 5:30 on the bike and sub 4 on the run… wishful thinking perhaps but i’ll worry about that after a few weeks recouperation and time off :slight_smile:

Missed hearing from everyone! You ladies are inspiring and you help to bring perspective when life, injuries and food get in the way of training goals!!!

Tigerchik - happy to hear you got the OK to step it up on the run. Take it easy though!!! You are a running monster!

Sorry to hear about the eye MK. Hope you are back to you usual 110% pace and the eye is back to normal soon!

Jen - have fun with the new plan. Trust your coach and you will be flying!

Awesome job conquering demons and finishing the race! Kudos instigator!!! And congrats to noodlecat Sdcali & nad on such fantastic finishes. You ladies are keeping me motivated to train in this crappy cold wet weather we are having in NJ

As for me - i have not gotten as much done in the past two weeks as i wanted too. I have to remind myself - it’s the offseason and I am coming back from 8 weeks of almost no activity due to a pretty bad ankle sprain. Focus over the last two weeks has been to ease back into running with some consistent running. Am also focusing improving the swim and will bring bike back into picture in January.

First week - pretty good with 4 solid runs ending the week with a long run of 5miles at 10:30 pace which included 3 long walk breaks. I was happy about that! But I know that is snail’s pace compared to you ladies!!! I also managed 3 good swims with focus on body position. Have been listening to those Gerry Rodrigues utube videos and they make sense and are giving my swimming some focus.

Last week- life got in the way - I am a teacher, fall term grades are due in and so only 3 very short runs, 4 short swims and a short ride on the trainer so my legs remember how to ride a bike. At least I did some activity every day.

This week - goal is 5 runs at EZ pace, 4 swims and a visit to bike on the trainer. Am hoping to get run back, then maintain it when I do a bike focus in feb/march but I don’t know if this is gonna work long term. I feel like such a slug running right now!

Some super strong work on here. You guys are awesome :slight_smile:

I’ve only been able to work in the bike a few times, but the running and swimming are both going well. I don’t know about you guys, but I can focus on 2/3 pretty well, but all three is tough to maintain with regularity. I guess as long as the 2/3 rotates with some frequency I should be OK;)

The most exciting thing is that after getting a bad case of plantar fasciatis at the end of the summer, I am almost pain free on the foot now, even with upping my mileage thanks to AP’s awesome 200 miles in December Challenge. This is my first time doing a ST challenge and it has helped so much. I have hit a number of runs that I probably otherwise would have bagged on because I’m accountable. Awesome!! I think I’m going to do the 100 runs in 100 days chalenge. May not hit a 100, but I bet I’ll hit more than I woulda if I don’t do the challenge. Are any of you guys going to do that one?

Push-ups are to 40. I’ve had a couple of days of doing 9 pull-ups, but that’s super inconsistent… I’ve been upping my swimming yds–joined a masters group–so I think those muscles are just spent most days. Are any of you working on pushes and pulls? How’s it going?

The only other thing that happened of note is that I got rolled onto the hood of some drunk bastard’s truck last Friday. It was dark, and I was not wearing a light. So I can take some responsiblity for this, but, really, a sober person would not have f-ing turned into me. Luckily he wasn’t going that fast, maybe 15mph, but it scared the SHIT out of me. I had one of those really long 2 second moments where I thought, “Oh boy, here it goes, I’m gonna break both of my legs…” But then I kinda jumbed up and the truck hood just kinda pushed underneath me. I sat up and started slamming my fists into the hood and windsheild. I mean, I was outta my mind pissed (fight or flight:?, I guess I woulda thrown down on this guy). But then the adrenaline just rushed over me, and it felt like if I didn’t start moving I might puke. So I just yelled at him to get the fuck off the road and sober up, and then ran two of the fastest miles I’ve ever run in my life. I mean, on a 5 mile tempo I’m currently running 6:45s, but I ran those two miles sub six. lol. Not too sore the next day, except my hands and wrists, haha. Anyway, super scary wake-up call.

Stay safe out there Womens. xo.

Thanks very much. Glad to have it done.

Have a great time in Maine - enjoy the holidays.

How’s your stress fracture? I noticed no running on your schedule.