How was your week - Nov 5th edition

How’s everyone doing? Any big plans or races coming up?


In 16 days I will see one of my brothers at Thanksgiving, and in a month I will be home!!!

I had an okay week.

M - 6 mi run + 5300 yd swim
T - 8 mi run + 4 mi bike
W - 4 mi run + 3000 yd swim + 40 min. stairmaster
T - 4.5 mi run + 6600 yd swim
F - 8 mi run + 12 mi bike
S - 4.5 mi run
S - 8.5 mi run + 17 mi bike + hip/shoulder exercises/weights

Totals: 14,900 yd swim, 33 mi bike, 43.5 mi run
Goals had been a long ride + 2 other rides (did not do the long ride - was planning on it Sat. am but had a flat in the driveway, no tube, so I ran instead) and 3 swims (clearly done).

I had a little bit of a freak-out with weight. I weighed myself Friday and was pretty close to the minimum weight I can be, which spurred an "okay I’ll gain some so I’m safe (and more importantly so my parents don’t freak out). That mindset lasted a day but in the meantime it made me realize a lot of BELIEFS I hold about eating and being thin. Yesterday I was up 2 pounds from the Wed. weight, and while I know both are variations around my true weight, I still really can’t lose any.

Other eating comments: binged once.
Tracked money spend for a couple days. It was helpful.

Goals for this week: no bingeing; ride 100 miles; swim at least 10k; let running take care of itself; complete draft of term paper

tigerchik–you are my swimming yardage hero :slight_smile: strong work girl!

I think it will really help me to check in :slight_smile:

Goals for this week:
4 x swim (2 long, 1 hard, 1 drills)
4 x bike (2 long, 2 intervals)
3 x run (1 brick w/ long bike, 1 tempo, 1 long easy)
2 x strength/stability work
2 x yoga
4 x chin-up practice
7 hours sleep/night

Last week was a mess. Of the 9 workouts on the schedule, I got in 3.5 of them. I could try to blame it all on work and my parents visiting but truthfully, they were all missed because I felt sorry for myself and just wanted to be pitiful. On Oct 26, I saw my ortho surgeon and he pretty much told me that I have 99.9% maxed out on the range of motion improvement I can expect in my wrist. I have exceeded his expectations by magnitudes on where he thought I would be as I am the proud owner of the worst wrist break he has ever seen. I also hold this honor by the ortho surgeon I saw in the ER in Michigan. He thought that if I got to a point where I was functional, he would consider it a success. I am about 20-25 degrees past functional in flexion, extension and supination but still 25+degrees below my “normal”. My ulna and radial deviations and pronation are “normal”. He doesn’t expect much more improvement even with more OT as the placement of all of the hardware is going to limit any significant improvement. He always told me this would be the case but I just expected that if I did my PT/OT, I would defy all odds and resume normal use of my hand and wrist. Last week it became a reality that this isn’t going to happen and it made me sad. Plus it seems that I may need another surgery (or maybe two) to move and/or remove some of the hardware as its placement is not ideal. So I decided to wallow on the couch which just made me more sad as I was mad I was missing workouts. It is a horrible cycle and I am trying to break out of it.

This week my goal is 100% completion of my training plan - 1 swim/2 rides/3 runs/3 strength sessions.

Hope everyone has a good week.

Sorry to hear. Hugs.

:frowning: I hate the downward spiral like that. I usually do something like book a day off work, have my pity party in my PJs at home with a huge bowl of really buttery popcorn and a movie or 4, then some red wine and then bed by like 7pm. Either that or even stupider like sign up for a race 1/2 way around the world. The PJ Pity party is always cheaper. :slight_smile: Hang in there.

last week:
T: 3mi → DONE
W: 5mi → FAIL
R: 10mi → only manged 5 due to work.
F: optional 3mi/optional CWP → DONE
St: 5-7mi → DONE
Sn: 20mi - the last BIG run before I start my taper. When I finish this, I will be 3 weeks away from the start line. EEEEPP!!! → DONE. I felt a bit slower & more sluggish than the prior week’s 20miler, even though it was the same route. Weather was windier/wetter than the week prior, and I started my cycle later that night so I guess that 'splains that. Feeling pretty good today, not too sore, so that means I am recovering well from these runs.

Now: Taper time. Time to go insane.
T: 5mi
W: 10mi * (this is the key workout of the week)
R: 3-5mi
F: Optional 3mi (this is a busy day at work so we’ll see)
St: 5-7mi
Sn: 12-15mi


Just popped on to say THANKS for the tip a couple of weeks back on increasing the protein to curb the nasty carb cravings - so far so good this week, even with work birthday cakes appearing everywhere to torment me!
so here was my training week:
Monday yoga - great headspace, much needed stretching.
Tuesday spin class (pedal technique damn you one legged drills!) am, 10km fartlek pm, swim training pm 3.5km
Wednesday RPM gym class am, 8km easy jog pm
Thursday light weights am, RPM gym class + 5km treadmill run (yeh, shoulda gone swimming but it was cold and rainy that day!)
Friday RPM gym class am, night off
Sat - swim training 4.3km,18km long run (tortoise, not hare)
110km sunday ride - hills, 36deg (celsius) = super dehydrated! thank goodness for soda and lime recovery!
so glad the weather is improving (Aus) heading into summer, motivation to train is on the up :slight_smile:
I don’t tend to write on this forum much, but definitely learn a lot and love to read about other people’s training, races, struggles/achievements… it’s very motivating and inclusive (for the most part)… glad i stumbled onto here!
Have a fun week everyone!! :smiley:

last week’s goals:

  • run x 2: WIN
  • bike x 1: FAIL
  • swim x 3: WIN + 1

spent most of last week cramming everything i could possibly want to eat in the way of fat and sugar into my face :slight_smile:

this week’s goals:

  • run x 5
  • bike x 2
  • swim x 4
  • core/strength x 4

the weather is supposed to be nice this weekend and there’s a new bridge linking some local multi-use trail that we want to go check out!


-mistress k

That sucks. Sorry to hear. You deserve a pity party, agree w/ AP, those are my two go to things to do. PJ’s or signing up for expensive races. haha. So now back at it, as we all have to do eventually. Good luck. As TC said - hugs.

Had a good running week.
M - 3 miles
tu - day off
W 8.75
Th 8.35
Fr 10
Sat 7.6 - w/ 30 min spin on bike
Sun 23.3

Total 61.

But my left lateral calf is starting to hurt, and I’m a little nervous. Went to massage and she found a huge crunchy, crackly area. I hope that was it. We’ll see

Only got one core in. vowing to do better this coming week.

Back off a little on running if needed for calf. But at least 55 miles as marathon only 5 weeks away.
Core x 3
Bike x 2.

Happy training everyone.

Just joined the pull up challenge, so I’m adding to my weekly goal of trying to get some push ups and some pull ups in as well w/ each core w/o.

Argh. Hang in there. A little wallowing is perfectly acceptable. But hopefully even a limited range of motion won’t hold you back too much going forward. Thinking of you…

Last week: my goals for this week are basically to survive…try to find some motivation in the remaining few days.

Meh. Not sure how I did there. I actually did a little 3.5mi trail run on Thursday (though the original intent was to take fall photos). Hiked about the same on Friday (actually having remembered the camera BATTERY this time) & swam a weirdly hard practice on Sunday. So, I’ll take it.

This week: MOVE. THY. SELF.

It’s Tuesday, I skipped morning practice yesterday AND today. I DID bring clothes to go to the gym after work but have gotten so beat up over the day I’m not sure I’m up for it. May just go get my nails done & go home at a reasonable hour. I’ll try the masters morning practice route again tomorrow. If I get super inspired maybe even schlep through a double since the tri group swims at night. I REALLY need to lay out some goals here…the lack of accountability is sucking me dry.

last week had a bad cold. Coughing very violently. So I didn’t do much.
This week is definitely better. Thinking I’ll do our local turkey trot on Sat - 10k. I would like to go for broke and see where I’m at. Used a ‘race converter’ tool online and have a pace to shoot for.
We’ll see.

I have had 2 bad days with food. I am going to get back on track today. If I have urges to binge, I will sit and write (journaling) and process the feelings.

Thanks for the well wishes and letting me vent a bit about my wrist. I already did the signup for expensive races when I got clearance from the doctor in August that I could start training again and ended up with the following race schedule - Mt Cheaha 50K, American Triple T, Mt Tremblant 70.3, and TransRockies Stage Race. I hope to add a 50 or 100 mile race in the fall to round out that schedule. I have so far managed to ditch the PJs this week so maybe things will start looking up.

TransRockies! Jealous :slight_smile:

One step at a time right?


Stay strong! Distract yourself! Was reading all these updates and seems many of us are having an off time of it… :frowning:

I had my 10miler on tap for this morning, beautiful weather for it, cool, crisp, dry, clear… got 4mi in and OW OW OW What the HELL is that PAIN in my FOOT? Walked and sorta jogged home. I think the big toe tendon is unhappy with me, sharp (now dull) pain on top of the foot right at the “knuckle” of the big toe. Not good. Marathon is 18 days away. Will maybe do some elliptical tomorrow and swim Friday, then test it out on Sat.

Of course with my love of bacon, maybe it’s gout :slight_smile:


It’s all about hitting the “reset” button. Distractions and willpower, chicky. You’ve got this, we’ve all seen you come so far. Everyone’s allowed to have an occasional bad day or moment.

I wallowed again yesterday. Actually I just got so bleeping beat up at work that I couldn’t fathom going to the gym & beating myself up any more. Leaving the office at 7p having not eaten lunch…I got dinner & went home. So…the gym bag stayed in the car. There’s swim practice tonight and since I’ll already be there teaching lessons from 4:30-6:30…there’s actually a likelihood I’ll do something this evening.

It’s all about the baby steps. We’ve got this handled…

Sandy knocked out my hamster internet (aka satellite) and we just now got back online.

At the insistence of my PT I took two weeks off after my ows race mid-October. It nearly drove me crazy. He has cleared me for light activity. And now I’m going through these manic highs and lows. On one hand it feels fantastic to move again. On the other, I feel really depressed when I acknowledge the fitness I’ve lost and the limitations I have at this time.

This week’s goals:
–light bike spin 30 minutes at 90 rpm, 4x
–1 mile jog off the bike, 4x
–swim 3x, not to exceed 5k in any swim or anything above zone 3 effort
–stretch 7x
–PT exercises 3x

Editing my week based on updates to life, the universe and everything:

Now: Taper time. Time to go insane.
T: 5mi → DONE
W: 10mi * (this is the key workout of the week) → FAIL this is the OW OW OW sore foot session, ended up ~6mi
R: 3-5mi → Change to: 45min on Elliptical; 3 chin-ups; 10 push-ups
F: Optional 3mi (this is a busy day at work so we’ll see) → Change to: 35min walk with dog, optional ice skating or swimming with K.
St: 5-7mi → Change to: ez 3mi run to test the foot, see how it feels
Sn: 12-15mi → Change to MAX 10mi if no pain from Sat. If pain still persists, 90min trainer ride.