How was your week? Nov. 19 Edition

Happy Thanksgiving to US wimmens.

My week was not good. I found out I have a stress fracture :frowning:
Goal-wise: one goal was to get back in the pool - done. Another goal was to take at least a day off from running - done, but default. Fix flat on bike - done. No bingeing - not done. I did, however, journal most days and made a couple therapy appointments. I found a new therapist here so hopefully that will help.

week was

M - 6.25 mi run, 16 mi bike
T - 8 mi run, 1:05 stairstepper
W - 38 mi bike
T - 6.5 mi run + 4400 yd swim
F - 2.5 mi walk + 30 mi bike
S - 2.4 mi walk + 1:00 stairstepper
S - 40 mi bike

totals 4.4k swim, 124 mi bike, 23 mi run, ~3 hours walk/other

My main goal this week is to do okay with food. The plan is 300-400 calories, every 3-4 hours, and no sugar (except a little dark chocolate if I really, really am craving sugar). My dietician is on board with this no-sugar stuff because sugar both spikes my anxiety and tends to lead to bingeing. Desserts/candy are “unsafe” foods for me and what has been happening is I will try one thing, freak out, figure I’ve already “messed up,” and binge. (no sugar really just means no desserts - fruit-flavored yogurt is still ok).

I am not going to set any workout goals; I am trying not to push myself so it will just work better to try and take it easy and not chase numbers. I am looking forward to relaxing over Thanksgiving and I think being with friends and family will be good for my head.

last week’s goals:

  • run x 5: WIN
  • bike x 2: FAIL, 1 only
  • swim x 3: WIN + 1
  • core/strength x 4: WIN

felt like absolute garbage yesterday after no sleep & being tenderized in the pit at dropkick murphys saturday night, so after a crappy morning swim i called it a rest day - went for a walk with tanker in the evening, but that’s all.

this week’s goals:

  • run x 5
  • bike x 2
  • swim x 4 EDIT: x 3 (have another concert saturday & won’t be able to make the pool)
  • core/strength x 4

hope you heal quickly tigerchik!


-mistress k

Happy Gobble Gobble to all the 'Mericans!

Last week:
M: 10-15mi to make up for Sunday → DONE and FANTASTIC, I did 10mi at breakneck speed and managed a 72min 10miler - one of my fastest ever.
T: 5mi run at lunch → OFF wanted to rest
W: 5mi run in the morning; optional 1hr ride → Both DONE, legs feeling perky!
R: 5mi run at lunch → 1hr ride instead
F: 5mi run in the morning → did almost 7mi instead, felt very good.
St: 10 mi run → Ended up being off instead, moved to Sun
Sn: Flying to Philadelphia for work. → Trip was cancelled (yay!) so did 8mi here with the dog in the pouring rain & wind, with a bunch of strides, still felt damn good. So good that I fooled myself into signing up for Comrades next June!!!

This week:
M: Off; evening walk
T: 3-5mi in the morning with strides
W: off or easy walk/elliptical, evening walk
R: 3mi in morning with strides
F: Off
St: Drive to Seattle, meet up with the PNW wimmens (Michelle at a minimum!)
Sn: RACE DAY. Start with the 4hr pace group and see how it goes. No idea what will happen. Foot feeling fine now, ditto legs. Will come down to the taper this week and my mind.
Weather looks wet:
At least it will be pretty much what I’ve been training in…


got two of my board exams out of the way last week (both taken on the computer - in person exam is Dec.8) - one of them sucked and I wanted to crawl in a hole. The other one was multiple choice so I found out I passed right away. The one that sucked had to be judged and graded, so it will be a few weeks.
Got in a good swim workout after the second exam. Last week was pretty light as I was doing my final studying.
Did a fun CX race on Sunday, did very well - was able to concentrate on chasing down the guys ahead of me and did for quite a few of them. The course was really flat and not very technical at all so it was ha ha ha, my kind of course.
For some reason, my really short pre-test run on Thurs. left me with a tender ankle on Friday. So I canceled my long run plan for Sat.
I ran last night, it was minimally sore during the run. Woke up today with it REALLY sore.

Sorry to hear about the stress fracture - heal quickly!

Heal fast Tigerchik!!! And buy yourself some really high quality dark chocolate to nibble on. My current favorite is the whole foods brand 71% cacao from Tanzania.

Have been in awe of you ladies. Was posting to this thread in august and early sept and then whammo - stepped in a utility pipe hole while running and ripped just about every ligament you could rip in my ankle. Reading what you ladies were up to helped me get through a period of inactivity in a cast bc I knew I would be back at it soon! After a month, was allowed to swim with pull buoy and ride trainer. Didn’t do much of either and ate way too much.

Last week - on Tuesday given the go ahead to start PT and running easy. Also given the go ahead to ride outside.

Last week - good week even though I am so not fit! It felt so good to just be moving again!
Run 3x with lots of walking - am up to 3mi of run/walk. Man am I stiff and need to stretch everything!
Ride 2x at easy tempo pace
Swim 3x but no turns off walls kicking is a JOKE! And I can’t point my toes on my right foot. But will work on the pointing toes w/PT & stretching. However, my kick is just OFF. Do the fishes on this list have any good drills I can incorporate to get my kick timing back? I would love to learn a 2 beat kick and this may be the time to do it as it feels like I am relearning kick anyway!

This week:
mon swim then run easy up to 3mi w/walk breaks
Tues ride easy tempo then core
Wednes swim hard then run easy up to 3mi
Thurs core & cook
Fri nice long ride
Sat swim easy then run - goal to run 2mi w/out stopping
Sun run or ride - depends on temp & wind then core

Happy Thanksgiving to my American sisters! Am planning our menu now and am hoping to send all leftovers home with my brothers.

Congrats on passing one of them! I am sure the other one will come back with a fine score.

Also, yay, AG nationals is in Milwaukee, so I’m going! Woohoo!

Double WooHoo! Awesome!

Looks like you guys had a strong week :slight_smile:

I am struggling a bit. Totally plataued on pull ups and push ups :confused: Damn it! Just feeling weak…

Did get to the pool 4 x. Trying to reinforce my new stroke. Contacted the Masters team. I’ve never trained with them, but I need some help. Gonna try them out next week.

Had a gait analysis and was suprised to hear that I still heal strike. Double damn it!! That would explain my stupid plantar fasciatis. Trying to make some changes to that. Tried running barefoot, and it was the first, albeit short, pain free run I’ve had in months. I was trying to ignore the hype, but who woulda thunk it, it actually helped;)

Goals for this week: try to not panic about the fact that right now I feel like I don’t know how to swim (my weakest discipline anyway) or run (has always been my freakin’ strongest discipline).

Just keep showing up, right?

Before I get into my workout review - Andy - Congrats again on a great pre-race run! And behave. Just embrace the taper. You know you have to do it so don’t fight it. Clean your house, walk the dog, cook a fancy meal, just REST those legs!! (and you can always travel my way and do any of those things at my house). Good luck this weekend! I know you will rock it and get that sub-4!!

Determination - Congratulation on passing your test. I am sure that you will get great news on test 2 (or was it test 1) very soon.

Last week, I hit all workouts for 11+hours of training including 2 strength session, 2 swims, 2 rides that include a 5X1 mile CP test) and 5 runs that included a 5.25 mile XC/Trail race in the middle of my 3 hour long run on Saturday. I felt good for most of the workouts but what I am most proud of is that I am behaving myself in my CT classes. I usually get so wrapped up comparing myself to the rest of the riders that I get so mentally defeated that I stop going to them or don’t ever finish the workout as prescribed. I have managed to control my unnecessary competitiveness and am just focusing on doing the workouts are prescribed. Turns out that group cycling classes can be fun. I also learned during Sunday’s 2+ hour ride that I can’t eat the new powerbar protein things. That part wasn’t as much fun.

This week looks like this:
M - recovery run/strength
T - ride
W - swim/run
Th - 5K Turkey Trot (I hate short runs)
F - run/swim
Sat - long run
Sun - long ride - My goal is to take the mtn bike to the single track. This will be my first ride on single track since I shattered my wrist. I have the route all planned out on a trail that I love and know very well. Wish me luck that I don’t chicken out.

Sun - long ride - My goal is to take the mtn bike to the single track. This will be my first ride on single track since I shattered my wrist. I have the route all planned out on a trail that I love and know very well. Wish me luck that I don’t chicken out.

wishing you all kinds of good luck! i’ll be rooting for you :slight_smile:

i’m actually going in for my follow up with the ortho today (7 weeks since the cast came off), and was able to ride my mtb without my wrist brace on saturday - haven’t had the cx or tri bike out since the break, because i figure i’m probably better with a squishy fork smoothing out the road vibes for me a while longer. flexibility is still shit, but strength is coming along.

at least you weren’t dumb enough to ride singletrack while still in a cast like cough someone i know cough


-mistress k

Considering I was in a cast up to my shoulder, getting out of bed was hard enough so there was no way I could get on any bike. Adding to that the explicit instructions from my surgeon that I couldn’t sweat due to the risk of infection at my external pins and compaction sites also kind of reduced my ability to do much of anything. It was a sad sad depressing way to spend my summer.

I have been out on all of my bikes (road, XC, mtn, and tri) but have yet to tackle the single track. I’ve mentioned before that I have lost about 25-30 degrees of range of motion in flexion, extension and supination but I don’t think those will be too much of limiters on the mtn bike. They do make shifting the road and cross bike a bit difficult (does insurance cover electronic shifting?) but the thumb shifters on the mountain bike should be fine. I am most worried about not having the strength to be able to pull the front end up over obstacles. And the mental aspects of doing something that caused the accident…

Good luck with your ortho. I see mine again in Dec to see if I’ll be having 1 or 2 more surgeries and just how soon they will have to be. I am hoping to convince him zero surgeries is the right number but if it does have to be 1, hopefully it can wait till Oct/Nov 2013.