How was your week? Nov. 12 Edition

Tell us about it.

My goals were swim 10k (didn’t swim at all for various reasons, none of them that good), bike 100 mi (done!), no bingeing (NOT a good week with food. I had 3 good days and 4 bad). I ran 42 miles (7 runs) and rode 117 miles (6 rides). I also hit the stairmaster once for 35 miles.
Academic goal was to write a draft of my term paper. I don’t have a complete draft, but I made significant progress so we’re calling that goal “met.”

Goals this week:
fix the flat on the bike.
get back in the pool
take a day off from running
shoulder/hip/lifting exercises a couple times (did them this morning and it felt good. I’m not officially in the pull-up challenge but have been working on them, mostly to impress my brother and boyfriend).
write in journal the majority of days
no bingeing! Since nighttime is the hardest, I think my rule will be only scrambled eggs or plain yogurt after dinner if I am hungry - because if I am truly hungry, I’ll make them, but if I am emotional-eating I won’t (requires too many dishes to wash :stuck_out_tongue: I hate cooking). But if I journal I probably won’t have trouble with emotional eating. :wink:

7 school days / 9 total days until Thanksgiving break!

Goal - Dallas marathon 4 weeks away.

Goals for last week
55 miles running - I did 56 miles, w a 20 miler.
Core x 3 - I did 2
Bike x 2. - i did 1

And I added on the challenge for pull ups and push ups half way through the week. I am up to 4 pull ups and 2 real push ups, w/ 8 more modified pushups after.

Goals for this week
Running 55-60 miles, w/ a long run of 22-24, then TAPER!!!
core x 3
bike x 2
and get to 5 pull ups and 4 push ups.

Happy training everyone.

tc, great job on the biking and running. I hear ya about the nighttime food stuffs. I found that I tend to either drink or eat during the evenings often as “something to do”. If I have something else to do, then my mind is distracted enough. Keep on distracting yourself. :slight_smile:

nad: Awesome! you are gonna rock that marathon!

Modified last week: Now: Taper time. Time to go insane. → DONE. I am already going nuts.
T: 5mi → DONE
W: 10mi * (this is the key workout of the week) → FAIL this is the OW OW OW sore foot session, ended up ~6mi
R: 3-5mi → Change to: 45min on Elliptical; 3 chin-ups; 10 push-ups → DONE
F: Optional 3mi (this is a busy day at work so we’ll see) → Change to: 35min walk with dog, optional ice skating or swimming with K. → DONE
St: 5-7mi → Change to: ez 3mi run to test the foot, see how it feels → DONE foot felt FINE but legs felt sluggish, as expected…
Sn: 12-15mi → Change to MAX 10mi if no pain from Sat. If pain still persists, 90min trainer ride. → Since Mon is a holiday, I elected to spend time with the fam at the Local Remembrance Day ceremonies, then did a bunch of cooking. I will do this Monday instead.

This week:
M: 10-15mi to make up for Sunday
T: 5mi run at lunch
W: 5mi run in the morning; optional 1hr ride
R: 5mi run at lunch
F: 5mi run in the morning
St: 10 mi run
Sn: Flying to Philadelphia for work.


last week’s goals:

  • run x 5: WIN +1
  • bike x 2: WIN, and my wrist is getting stronger/more comfortable
  • swim x 4: WIN
  • core/strength x 4: WIN

this week’s goals:

  • run x 5
  • bike x 2
  • swim x 3
  • core/strength x 4

saturday will be more challenging for training since we have friends coming to stay with us friday evening through sunday morning for a concert on saturday night - not sure if i’ll be able to run & swim saturday pm or if i’ll be able to roll myself out of bed for sunday am swim.


-mistress k

So I managed to stop moping around and get back to training last week. I met all of my goals and got 10+ hours of training in and didn’t even let weather get in the way. It helped that I traveled to Galena, IL with my parents for the weekend. Galena is an almost perfect weekend training locations for me. Situated near the IL/IA border, it is one of the few areas not flattened by the glaciers so you find hills, hills, and more hills. Plus, there is lots of open space and farm land so there is miles and miles of low traveled, hilly roads alongside farms to run and ride on. It gave me a chance to remember why I love training.

Last week looked like this…

Monday - recovery run/strength
Tuesday - 2X20 min CP test (yuck! avg watts were down 8 from where I was last year but I did spend 3+ month off the bike between June and September)
Wednesday - Swim/strength
Thursday - Off
Friday - run (hill repeats)
Saturday - hilly ride
Sunday - long run in the pouring rain

This week:
Monday - rest (This is actually supposed to be Tuesday with what I have listed as Tuesday today but my left calf is angry from all the hills and running on an uneven road this past weekend)
Tuesday - recovery run/strength
Wednesday - Swim/Run
Thursday - part 2 of CP test (5 min max test set)
Friday - Run/Swim
Saturday - Long run with a 5.5 mile trail race at the end
Sunday - endurance ride

And I signed up for yet another 50K today. I better stay on top of my run training…

last week was a touch of all over the place as I was concentrating more on studying for the exams I have this week. So I just did a bit of easy runnning after work each day, nothing more than 4.4 miles.
I ran a turkey trot 10k on Sat. and hit a PR but not my time goal (which was extrapolated from a 5k I ran in Oct. - I used a calculator which adjusts for the distance, not just ‘go longer at the same speed’). I felt absolutely HORRIBLE the entire race and wanted to quit at mile 3, but didn’t. Garmin claimed course was 6.30mi, the event website had their map showing 6.27 miles.
I blame my cold. It’s still lingering. Ugh!
It’s disappointing because I felt so crappy. The 5k I had in Oct. was super because it was fast but ALSO felt good, amazing, fantastic.
This felt like torture.
Went on a bike ride in the afternoon with my husband because it was nice weather… too sore on Sunday to do anything! ha ha ha…

Anyway, this week is just to do a little bit and kick butt on the computer exams (Thurs. and Fri., each 3hrs).

Excellent! Are the roads very cambered there? When I do long runs on cambered roads, ugh my hips and knees just hate it, so I can relate. It can be hard to stay on the crown of the road esp if there’s any traffic.


cambered! That is the word I have been looking for all day - both in this post, my training log and the emails to my coach. Yes. The roads are off camber for drainage purposes. I tried to run as much as I could in the middle of the street but I didn’t want to get hit by a car so I was forced to the edge of pavement for most of the run. The off camber roads combined with the switchback/sweeping turns in the climbs did a number of my right calf. It feels a ton better this afternoon than it did this morning so hopefully I will be back to normal soon.

Yeah they will wreak havoc on your joints & tendons. Esp on long runs and races, yuck. I did a long run a month ago on some seriously cambered roads and yep by 20k or so I had to switch sides - I hate running with traffic on the shoulder tho - so dangerous. I used to get that from track running too - the one at my HS had a slight camber to it. Glad it’s feeling better tho!


I can’t remember the exact days but it all went something like this:

Friday: Fly to Ft Meyers.
Saturday: Arrive at condo on Sanibel Island. Sit on beach
Sunday: 4 mile run, sit on beach
Monday: Run 3 ish miles on beach. Do stuff involving sun and shopping. Swim 1500ish in beautiful outdoor pool.
Tuesday: Run 7.75 miles. Eat.
Wednesday: 30 min swim in beautiful outdoor pool. Forgot goggles and that’s all my eyes could take. I’ll say 1000ish
Thursday: Rest. Well, not really rest. Brunch then finding manatees and gators. Walking a bit.
Friday: 45 minute walk through rich neighborhoods. Beach.
Saturday: Fly across country. Land and collapse on couch. Go to bed at 9:30
Sunday: Go shopping to restock house. Spend rest of day on couch, too worn out to run.

Good luck on your exams!

Nice! Man I could use some vitD right about now. You missed some pretty miserable & wet weather last week.


My brother and his family live here too. We were all pointing and laughing at the weather forecast last week :slight_smile:

Had an epic fail last week in training; my whole family got a virus. I did about 50% of what I had hoped to :confused: Still feeling blah from the virus.Have been working on the chin-ups and push-ups, but so far no improvement from baseline. Went to a swim clinic on Sunday that significantly changed my stroke (shoulders are feeling it), so my goal is to try to get to the pool 4 times this week to try to reinforce the changes.

Nice work last week instigator, way to jump back on the wagon and drive it!

Nad, you are definitely gonna rock that marathon and look at that improvement on the chin-ups already :slight_smile:

JenSw, I’m absolutely green with envy!

TC, I hope you did 35 minutes and not miles on the stairmaster, though, knowing you, I’m sure you could knock out 35 miles in anything :slight_smile:

AP, hope you can stay pain free and sane through your taper!

Mistressk, so glad to hear the wrist is feeling better. What a pain in the rear. Looks like you’re still killing your workouts though :slight_smile:

Determination, good luck with balancing your exams and training!

Sounds like a pretty accomplished week to me! Well done. Could’ve used a bit more “sit on the beach” though…something to work on next time. I’m headed down to Ft. Meyers this weekend to watch a lax tournament, so I’m looking forward to some sunshine.

I had an awful week, full of stress, emotional eating & laziness. Despite being excited about it, I didn’t try one chin-up or push up & didn’t set foot in the gym. I did ONE swim practice & taught lessons twice. PA-THE-TIC. I did have a good weekend, traveling down to spend time with my cousin & going to the football game.

This week looks to more of the same on stress load. I’m desperately trying to work up energy & positive attitude. I’d like to keep the feeding of my emotions to a minimum & actually move my butt.

Woke up this morning unable to turn my head in either direction. Hoping it eases up so I can maybe run or shuffle in the woods later. I need a break.

yes, minutes :slight_smile:

I binged yesterday and did not journal. The two are related. I had some painful emotional stuff that I didn’t want to journal about because then I would have to feel it so the feelings got swallowed, along with a bunch of food.

Today I journaled, did not binge, and am finishing a healthy bedtime snack. Journaling felt immensely good.

thanks! Exam #1 is tomorrow - 3 hrs starting at 1pm. Then Friday, another 3 hrs starting at 12:30pm! Eeek! we’ll see if I studied enough! I’d better have, I know my fitness has declined… lol!

uh hi, I’m new. I’ve been poking around. I used to post on runnersworld a million years ago and thought it would be nice to belong to a dedicated tri group. I’ve been tri-ing 4 years and running 8. I’m in the off season now trying to get some speed back on shorter runs as I had spent the summer training for a hot and hilly 70.3.

so last week was
monday :6 miles with 1 mile at 5k pace and 6 x400.
tues: 1 hour trainer ride
weds dang I can’t remember
thurs 3 miles ez and 2500 in the pool
fri 11 miles with 10 at 7:07s almost barfed on that one
sat 5 miles untamed as my sons birthday party was that afternoon
sunday rest day

thanks for letting me post.

welcome! we are glad to have you join us.