How was your week - Jan. 21

I’ll get it started this week…hop in & let’s keep the momentum going!!

My week was variable - since my update last week was halfway through the week…I’m still only marginal in my discipline but life is about doing what you can do. As I start to see the returns & the running gets a bit easier (& maybe at least a LITTLE of the winter coat starts to come off) it’ll start coming together.

We did have a swim test yesterday & I’m fairly pleased with the results - again given the time of year. The good news is that the splits were basically dead-on.
400LCM at ~ 5:26 (I don’t have the exact results yet.)
200 LCM at 2:43

Nice work on the swim tests :slight_smile:

I still had stitches last week (till friday) so my goals were 2 short runs, 1 long run, 3 rides, and 1 strength. I managed to get all workouts done and completed as planned. The rides were good and I even managed to complete my 2.5 hour ride on the trainer on Sunday without too much fuss. I usually get bored and bail at about the 1:30-1:45 mark but I was able to get through it. It helped that I actually properly fueled before and during. My short runs were ok. I ended up on the treadmill as I just couldn’t bear to layer up and head out. The long run was done on some single track on a beautiful 43-degree winter day so I did get outside at some point.

Last week I was also having some significant nerve pain/numbness in my index and thumb as result of wrist surgery #2. Since getting my stitches out on Friday, the pain has drastically improved. It is still numb but the “painful” part of the numbness has lessen a ton. It is making life was more pleasant. I also saw the Dr on friday and it all appears to be healing well. He was not surprised about the numbness/pain. I guess I had a ton of scar tissue on/around my medial nerve that he removed/worked around so he expected some temporary nerve issues. He thinks most will resolve itself and doesn’t want to really do anything for another 6-8 weeks (and only if it get worse). For now its back to OT for the next 4-6 weeks. Nothing like adding another 2 hours a week of office time and 1-1.5 hours a day of strengthening, stretching, and scar work to an already busy schedule.

This weeks goals are: 1 -2 swims, 2 rides, 3 runs, 2 strength (not just wrist stuff). I also hope to get in some serious hills./stair work in on my long run day as prep for Mt Cheaha 50k in a month,

hope everyone had a great week.

last week’s goals:

  • run x 6: WIN
  • bike x 2: WIN
  • swim x 3: WIN
  • core/strength x 3 w/focus on mobility & stretching: WIN
  • foam roll x 1: WIN

no results yet from the 3-hour on saturday; i know i didn’t win anything, but don’t have a precise total for what i did (11 x 2k loops = 22k + a partial loop) or any idea of where i might have placed. pretty pleased with the effort anyway - i was only just starting to break down on the last couple of laps. probably the most mellow approach i’ve ever had to a race since i was only running the 3-hour instead of the 6-hour, which tells me i might just be getting a bit inured to endurance sport. i don’t think i could have run 3 full minutes 4.5 years ago…

this week’s goals:

  • run x 6
  • bike x 2
  • swim x 4
  • core/strength x 4

back to the regular grind, though i think workouts will be short and easy for at least the first part of the week. would like to get out snowshoeing or xc skiing this weekend as well if conditions permit!

glad to hear your wrist is coming along instigator - nerve issues suck! i had to have a golfball-sized tumour removed from my parotid gland back in 2006 and it took a couple of years for all of the facial nerve tomfoolery to settle down.


-mistress k

Met last week’s goals…
Biked 4x, with one outdoor ride on dirt roads
Swam 1x
Strength trained 3x
Took 2 brisk walks, 3mi ea.

Survived one week of not running.
Had ART on Friday for a shoulder irritation and my practicioner did the 'ol ‘tuning fork trick’ on my leg, said it was a possible way to check for stress fracture… did not come up with a positive there… but I’m going to hold off on the running for much more time.
Need to figure out how to get a second swim in my week.
Oh, and I’ll be retaking my last exam. Missed by 6 points.

Sketchy beginning to the week.

On my long run last Sunday I bonked pretty hard. As a result my gate got whacky and at some point I landed wrong on my right leg. This resulted in a hip flexor flare-up that traveled a bit to my IT then hamstring. As a result I took Monday off, started my Tuesday run but bailed out at 35 minutes, rested Thursday then started back in on my schedule Friday. Good news is that I seemed to have gotten pretty much past it. I ran strong Fri - Sun, including some wicked speedwork Sat, with any real soreness.

This past Sunday’s run went much better. I did the same route as last Sunday and shaved off 14 sec/mile average. I am always wrestling with the wrong calorie intake on my 2 - 3 hour runs. Solid food doesn’t go down well when I’m running with a lot of effort and liquid nutrition has always caused stomach/intestine problems. I finally got some advice to try pure maltodextrine which I did on Sunday and it seemed to work! Yippee! Now I just need to dial in amount of calories and timing.

Total mileage: 30.

This week is about getting ready for my upcoming half marathon on Sunday. Goal is to just hit all the workouts and stay healthy.

M - 8 mi run + 2600 yd swim
T - 8 mi run + 2200 yd swim
W - 7.2 mi run + 3300 yd swim
T - 7.5 mi run + 10 mi bike
F - 4.4 mi run + 4200 yd swim
S - 8 mi run + 4700 yd swim
S - 2 mi walk + 6000 yd swim

Totals: 23000 yd swim, 10 mi bike, 43 mi run

Training: good. School: mostly good. Eating: sucky. I have the coping skills I just need to USE them. I’ve been engaging in symptoms w/o even trying to stop myself… I am not sure exactly why, though I wonder if part of it is not feeling like I’ve had enough time to read/relax lately, so in that way I suppose it’s stress… but I don’t feel stressed when I’m engaging in symptoms; if it’s stress, it’s residual stress. There were eating issues 3 days last week. I have a support group that meets tomorrow night, that is new, and I see my therapist Friday, so that should help. School is just super busy.

I’m also kind of annoyed because today is a holiday and my advisor still wants to have our weekly meeting :stuck_out_tongue: it won’t take long, it really is to help me, but EVERYTHING is closed… the campus library is closed! and I want a day off like everyone else. Bah humbug.

Training goals for last week were a day off from running (done), 5 swims (done), 2 rides (did 1), hip and shoulder exercises (did shoulders).
Goals for this week: a day off from running, and whatever I get in. It will probably be a pretty standard week but setting workout goals is just going to stress me out. The main goal is to USE THE ^&$&#(%& coping skills that I have. I have them, I know they work, I just need to use them.

beautiful! keep it up :slight_smile: you’re my ST role model for “handling it.”

instigator, I am glad some of the numbness has gone away.

sorry about the exam. I hope your leg continues to heal.

2 hour-long spin classes with a 15 min run afterward and a 3.7 mi run outside today. Having issues with a calf cramp and foot numbness (started a new thread to seek advice) and am nervous as hell about my first half marathon on February 3rd. I am pretty sure the best part of the week was finding a cute Adidas running outfit (pants and t-shirt) at Ross for $28 total. Started running with a fuel belt today - LOVE IT, as it is 70 degrees outside.

Time for a shower and victory beer.

Ahh…not sure I deserve it but I’m just trying to keep my head down & keep pushing through. Like you, I have the coping skills & the knowledge to not let things get to me or to get so wound up into things…but it’s tougher when life feels chaotic around me. I sometimes think if I could just extract or de-sensitize to it I would fare better. Every day is a new day to utilize the gifts we’ve been given…the coping skills, the discipline & the knowledge…step by step.

This week’s goals (since I suppose they’re on my plan I might as well post them):
Jan22-swim, run 4
Jan23-swim, swim
Jan24-group:core/sw, 30min tempo
Jan26- run 7 (boyfriend moves)
Jan27- swim

Edited: fixed the table view & revised tonight. I ate comfort food & have packed a box or two.

I think that, as humans, our natural inclination is to make it look like we’ve got everything under control, are perfectly together, and can indeed balance the thousand spinning plates. It’s reassuring for me to know that others are also having to think about it, use coping skills, etc.

I am going to curl up with a book, finish it, and THEN get back to work. I’m almost in tears at feeling overwhelmed (and some of this is irrational feelings, as I just FINISHED something and should feel less overwhelmed - my head is just on overdrive), so clearly I need a break :stuck_out_tongue:

Really glad you’re getting help - I hope you like the therapist (that bond is so important). You make me miss school :slight_smile: Hang in there!

Good work to all the womens!!! I find you all very inspiring.

Last week was overall a good week even though I had grades due in.

Goals were 6 runs, 3 swims, 1 bike and some core.
Score on all fronts except only 4 runs. Did a hilly 6 mile loop in an hour on sat and am pretty pleased with how my run focus is going.

This week continue run/swim focus with goals of 5 runs, 4 swims, 1 bike and 2 core/strength. Weather has turned bitter cold so I am going to have to learn to love the dread mill. Have to admit that I have only ever used it once before during my short running career. Going to have to line up the tunes and just do it!

Happy training to all the womens this week!

Good luck on Sunday!!! We are all rooting for your success!

Sorry to hear about exam. Hope second time is the charm on the exam and the leg heals fast.

Really glad you’re getting help - I hope you like the therapist (that bond is so important). You make me miss school :slight_smile: Hang in there!

Thanks. I do have a good therapist. I’ve just started with someone from school, but my therapist from Maine is awesome and will do phone appointments when I really need it.

I got through yesterday, used the coping skills… sticker on the calendar :smiley: (I put a sticker on each day w/o eating issues. It’s a nice little “reward” and it’s a good way to keep track/see patterns).

Thanks for the support.

Thanks. I’m feeling like I know more how to prepare for this exam the second time around. It’s just too bad it’s so gosh darn expensive. There goes my tri budget…

I hope you are doing better as well. Keep hanging in there and do the coping stuff you know you can do (I hope that doesn’t sound cheezy, it wasn’t meant to).

Thanks. I’m just bummed because it’s a very stressful experience (the exam - 5.5 hour oral exam) and it’s costly to take and re-take. Ugh.

Surivived my first week of no running in I don’t know how long, probably since my last IM in 2008 (took a whole week completely off after the event).