How was your week? Dec. 8 Edition

Bumped my personal training up to 2x/week so I’m getting off my butt on Saturday mornings and getting in a workout. Shocker!

Last week was:

2x/personal trainer
2x cardio

I’m trying to get into a rhythm of Mon = Trainer, Tuesday = cardio or rest depending on knee, Wed = barre, Thurs = swim, Fri = barre, Sat = Trainer.

Saw my PT today and he put the nail in the coffin on my running career. PT, shots, rest, ice, stretching, etc and my knee still bothers me when I get too active. I almost burst out crying but held it in. He is a really good guy and I’ve seen him in the past so we have history. He really felt terrible that we can’t get me healed up. It really is time to move on but I’d hoped I could get into hiking. Right now even that is bothering me. I think I’ll just have to resign myself to living with a certain amount of pain if I want to be active. It’s too early for a knee replacement. He recommended dry needling for more immediate pain relief. I’ve never done it or acupuncture and he said it can be affective for temporary relief. I’ll give it a shot. He has a student who does practice clinics on Tues and Thurs so there won’t be a charge. If I can ease the day to day pain I’d be happy.

He’s also going to send me info on an anti-inflammatory diet. He doesn’t think it will make a huge difference but his philosophy is why not try and and see? I agree and I’m open to anything that isn’t harmful.