How was your week? Dec. 18 Edition

How are you and how was your week?

this week - bike 3x while I am still in OK and it is warm; 4 swims… I fly home Friday. At least 1 day off from running, and start training for spring 10ks. :slight_smile:

I biked twice (one ride, one commute), swam 5x, took 2 days off from running, and did not start training for spring 10ks because a friend reminded me that it takes a bit to recover from racing (ran a half on 12/10).

M: 8.5 mi run + 1075 yd swim
T: 15.5 mi bike + 1075 yd swim
W: 7.2 mi run (4 x 10 min @ 8:13, 8:06, 8:06, 8:00) + 1225 yd swim
T: 8.5 mi run (2 x 2.5 mi @ 8:00, 7:53) + 1525 yd swim
F: 2 mi bike + 5.5 mi run + 800 yd swim
S: off
S: 7.5 mi run

totals 5700 yd swim + 17 mi bike + 37.2 mi run

I arrived home at 2 am Saturday morning. Happy to be here :slight_smile:
main goal this week = no eating issues. Had some of those last week and I’d like to get out of it.
other goals 6 swims, 6 runs. Cycling a bonus!

Welcome home TC! As always I admire your consistency.

My hope for the week was 3 swims (NO, did 2) and 3 runs (YES and as a bonus all were outdoors!). I also had a physio appointment where I asked to work on shoulder stability and mobility and that was exhausting but very useful and two bonus strength/core sessions. I took the week off biking and that was a good plan; it’s set back up on the trainer now though.

Getting back into the pool was tough after 522 days of no swimming (not even floating in a hotel pool kind of swimming). I truly felt like a wet drowning sheep. The second time went better and I’m hoping that today I will finally get through the first guppy workout.

This week: 3 guppy workouts, 3 runs, 3 trainerroad (one will be an FTP test). My plan for the next 8 weeks is to get my running & swimming to a point where I feel I can sign up for my summer races. At the moment I’m looking at two, an Oly in mid-June and a 70.3 at the end of July.

Also this week: interview for a Lieutenant position tonight.

PS. Tried to attach a picture. It probably didn’t work.

IMG_0048-1 copy 2.jpg
IMG_0048-1 copy 2.jpg


Good luck with the running and swimming. I really miss the pool but it’s just one extra thing I can’t fit in right now. :frowning:

I could open the photo! Congrats! Good luck with your interview tonight, and nice job getting back in the pool.

Hello Womens! Thanks for getting us started, Dr. Tigerchik – excellent job letting your body have the time it needs to recover, I know that’s not always easy.

After a “meh” previous week of training, my goals were:
This week I’m traveling for work so things are a little up in the air (especially swims). I hope to get in 3 bikes, 3 runs, 2 swims, take my strength on the road, and do my daily p/rehab. I don’t think I’ll be able to fit in a yoga class but I’m going to try.

I flew across the country for a 48 hour tornado of corporate crazy, I caught a cold, I had a friend in personal crisis come stay at my house, and the air quality is still a mess in SoCal. Training was not a priority – I biked three times and swam twice (good but one of each was with my friend and so casual I’d count it as moving not training), I lifted twice (good), I ran once (yikes), I didn’t do yoga (meh), and I dropped the ball on my p/rehab (bad). My TrainingPeaks “fitness” has taken a nose dive over the the last two weeks.

This week I’m hoping to kick my cold, run/bike/swim 3 times, lift twice, do yoga, be better about my daily p/rehab, and fly across the country again.

Happy training all!

Wow, congratulations Scheherazade!

Scheherazade, that’s a great pic, congrats!

TC, good to focus on staying healthy. SoCal, hope you’re cold and the rest of the bumps in the road are better soon.

Despite my own post-not-really retirement transition, I had a relatively good week. Training for the upcoming season started in earnest on Friday with the 100 runs/100 days challenge. This week I’ll add in a TR base build bike plan. In mid-January I’ll add back swimming.

Tomorrow looks as though it will be unseasonably warm, so I’m going to go for a longish outdoor bike.

Good week last week.

OWS x1
Bike x4
Run x6

My OWS was freezing ass cold. OMG. I might have died a little. Got in just over a mile in the shape of a holiday tree so that was fun.

I’ve been enjoying my Wahoo Kickr and had an increase in my FTP on my latest FTP test. Woot! I’ll take it. And I hope I can keep it! I’m hoping to squeeze in an outdoor ride on Christmas. Or maybe the day before. The weather has been insanely warm and dry (bad! bad! we need rain!)

I, too, started the 100/100 challenge and am aiming for 100. I hit 90 last year, so I’m going big this year. Tri3 threw it down yesterday by doing a double, so I, of course, had to answer by also doing a double. As soon as I sync today’s run, I will be ahead of Tri3, which is all that matters.

Otherwise, been super busy with work and life and what not. Just trying to keep my head above water. Honestly, I’ll be glad when 2017 comes to an end. I’m over it! I’ve already mapped out my 2018 goals, races, priorities, etc., so I’m looking forward to a pretend reset in life.



Tri3 threw it down yesterday by doing a double

Actually, I did two days of doubles. :wink:

I accidentally entered a run as road cycling (the default setting). Fixed it. You might want to take another look at the standings.

Tri3 threw it down yesterday by doing a double

Actually, I did two days of doubles. :wink:

I accidentally entered a run as road cycling (the default setting). Fixed it. You might want to take another look at the standings.

Noooooooooooo!!! Ok. Game on.

But hot damn! You are #1 right now! Rocking it.

My 3.5 miler today was pretty rough. Run #5 and I’m already feeling it.

yes, if past experience is any guide, the next couple of weeks will be rough. But then it starts to get better as the legs adjust. The trick is to know when to back off (to avoid injury) vs. when to push through a bit of fatigue.

good of you to help your friend. I hope you are feeling better, and that the flights go well.