How to remove scratches on the frame?

Hi there

First race with my new P2 and an idiot already scratched my bike in the train when I came back from a race last sunday (racking his MTB on the top of mine like a douche when I was sleeping)
Picture is here:

I was wondering whether you knew some magical cream or product that I could put on it?
On the picture the black color is the sticker of the “é” from cervélo and the white is the frame itself

Any ideas would be appreciated


Try automotive scratch remover. Any auto parts store will have it.

starting with the automotive stuff is fine, personally I’ve never managed to have success with it (on cars or bikes). If it doesn’t work, you could lightly wet sand (320grit or higher depending on how heavy handed you are) the area, then paint/clear it back. That’s the long way. Short way is buy some touch up paint and forget about it.