Holiday & Morning After Workouts: Why So Hard, Really?

Having felt far more than the normal amount of discomfort during several workouts the next day after making rather merry, as Bob Cratchit would put it, got me to pondering the specific reasons one feels worse in such circumstances … what organs and other body parts are bearing the extra workload here, having to process all the toxic waste in my system? Is it primarily my liver, forced not only to handle all the alcohol still around from last night but also simultaneously remove the lactic acid my workout is jamming into my poor liver’s inbox? A fairly standard workout feels way harder the Morning After, as if the equipment I’m issued that day has half the power and speed and twice the pain. Does anyone have some definitive insight on this?


I know I push harder during training the morning after a bender. It’s something I’ve done pretty consistently in recent years - it’s my punishment and reconciliation for what I did the night before… They feel like tough workouts but the numbers usually agree that I’m pushing harder these mornings as well.