Hip Labrum Repair - How long did yours last?

Had surgery July 1, 2015 (also had my femoral head shaved down). I probably didn’t feel like the surgery worked until 4 months in. I was allowed to cycle (spin bike, minimal resistance) pretty quickly to keep the hip moving. Wasn’t allowed to get on my real bike, outside, clipped in until month 4 or 5. It was a slow progression of walking to walk/run to run. Think I started walk/run around month 4. Took me 6 months to get back to riding or running without any hesitations and what was a normal low volume training amount (3-4 hours of cycling per week, 20 miles running a week). Once I hit the 6 month mark, it was like a switch went off and I was able to slowly ramp up from there.

Almost 7 years later, I have very minimal symptoms (tight hip occasionally)