Hip Flexor Injury Questions

I’ve been dealing with a new hip flexor injury for about a week now. I have some mild pain in my right hip flexor. I would rate the pain a 4 while running. Enough that it is affecting the quality and quantity that I can run, but so far I have been muddling through it. I am going to work on getting an appointment with a PT today as I’d hoped that my reduced schedule and icing routine had licked the problem, but no such luck. I do have some interim questions for anyone who cares to chime in. The relevant requisite background for me is that I’m training for the Chicago marathon (not competing in triathlons at all).

  1. Running - Do I stop now and wait for my appointment or continue? Put another way, is there a reasonable chance that I work through this injury without taking significant time off or is it a given I am going to be out of running for some period? (If it is a given I will be out of running, I might as well start putting my time in now)

  2. Stretching - Is this good or bad?

  3. Is a PT the correct person to set an appointment with or should I be starting at a general practitioner or an ortho (I live in Boston, so the idea of actually getting an appointment with an ortho is a little laughable).

Any other thoughts welcome. I’ve had a rash of small injuries and other training interruptions over the past ~6 weeks, and now with this new problem I am starting to get very concerned about my outlook for Chicago.



you might consider www.meridianstretching.com. Bob Cooley is in Boston. worked great for my hamstring issues.