“Without this challenge, and leaderboard carrot, NO WAY would I be running this much!”
did i dream it? or did you have some not very complimentary things to say in years past about the wisdom of the 100/100 challenge?
glad to see it’s performing a service!
Yep, for most, this challenge is real dumb! And as Dev has written, unless one has been running a lot, going to 7 days a week running is dangerous,
and Dev recommends folks take breaks. Dev even posted that he suggests I back off.
Now in my case, I have been running basically 7 days a week for a long time. But, not in this type of volume. If you look at my Strava over the years, you will
see I was running 3 days a week for 90 minutes, and 4 days a week for 10 minutes and the treadmill doing bricks.
So, of course, my Type A took over and I really kicked up the volume. After the first week I said this was really stupid. I had been running on the treadmill before
my trainer bike and it was killing me. So I went to running on the treadmill after the bike. Again, getting carried away.
So after a few weeks of this, I again am asking if this is smart. I then see a person in one day have their numbers go up like 15 and I said that is the final straw, this is nuts.
So, I have dialed it back to something close to what I was already doing. My 3 days a week at 90 minutes, and 4 days a week at 30 minutes.
With that said, my comments have always been too many run too many intervals on the track thinking that speed work would get them faster! I never commented on folks running
stuff SLOW, like I do at 10 mpm pace. I also have stated that folks who run tons of miles long term I think is nuts. Just look at how few our age are still running, let alone running fast.
So, I have got myself grounded again and am back to my normal stuff. I have a race in less than 3 weeks, assuming it is not raining, and sure do not want to be hurt.
are you breaking the no more than 10% additional volume per week rule?
I totally blew by the 10% rule. I went in one week from like 35 to 72. I have never run that much. And yep, I kept telling my wife this was stupid. I am lucky I did not hurt myself
and am back to doing my normal training and not doing stupid things with this challenge.
“I totally blew by the 10% rule. I went in one week from like 35 to 72. I have never run that much”…
You haven’t been shy about offering training advice on this forum…some good, some not so good.
By typing those sentences, you have just nullified any training advice you’ve ever given on this forum… Doubling your mileage in a week is a recipe for disaster.
WTF were you thinking??