Has anybody heard Lemond's opinion on the latest Lance Fiasco?

I wonder what he has to say… other than “see I told you he doped”

I wouldn’t really care what his opinion is. He will likely spend the rest of his days gloating about this. Because he was definitely clean…

I opened this thinking there would be a punchline. Something like “Neither has anyone else because he’s so whiney.”

Greg Lemond = Mark Hamill. Sad.

who cares. i know for an absolute fact that am currently faster than lemond. in his mind that makes me a doper apparently.

who cares. i know for an absolute fact that am currently faster than lemond. in his mind that makes me a doper apparently.

can’t you guys at least make fun of lemond in ways that make sense?

there are plenty of those opportunities, rather than making fun of him for telling you, years ago, what is now painfully obvious.

I think Gregs exact words were " I would be very disapointed if lance was working with Dr Ferrari". Pretty strong stuff, Lance and his goons went off after that.

can’t you guys at least make fun of lemond in ways that make sense?

there are plenty of those opportunities, rather than making fun of him for telling you, years ago, what is now painfully obvious.

did roger banister dope? do all the fast milers dope these days? should we label all their sub 4 miles as suspicious because way back when no one could run that fast? because that is essentially what lemonds arguments boil down to.

Lemond is not a philosopher king, so he no doubt argues poorly at times. But he knew what was going on when he heard Lance was working with Ferrari, he toldeverybody about it, and he was right.

To make fun of him for telling everybody what is now plainly true is stupid.

did roger banister dope? do all the fast milers dope these days? should we label all their sub 4 miles as suspicious because way back when no one could run that fast? because that is essentially what lemonds arguments boil down to.

Greg has always had a VERY valid point. He knew, as we all should have known that racing clean was a fantasy. Just as it was in Baseball and Football. Greg, if anything may get a bit of peace of mind - but the fact is that people are so damn ignorant that they could not see the forest for the trees - and judged Greg with out due cause. Greg was right. So, how many decades will it be before we all agree that he was?

And yes - Greg was clean. As clean as he could be at the time (and yes, I have sat in the same room with him and I have asked him personally).

And yes - Greg was clean.** As clean as he could be at the time** (and yes, I have sat in the same room with him and I have asked him personally).

Not being a douche here… but what does this mean? Clean (in my mind) means putting nothing banned in your body. Are you saying that he was taking stuff that wasn’t banned yet?

Lance never tested positive and has yet to be proven by any court or governing body to have used PEDs.

thats not what i find faulty with his arguments. i find fault when he talks about the entire peleton riding faster than in in his day.

We all did what we were told. When I was at OTC, was I clean? Yep - just ask me. Was he? Sure, just ask him. Did we know with certainty what was in every pill and every IV? No, we didn’t, who does? Are the current AG’s who are on testosterone therapy clean? (no) but yes. How about the folks who are legal RX meds? I know it is a fine fine line - but INTENT is the killer here. Did Greg intend to dope to get ahead? No, not once ever. Lance? I cant answer that.

Also I am pretty sure that if you sat in a room with Lance and asked if he was clean he would also say that he was. So I am not really sure what you asking Greg has to do with anything other than you wanted to name drop a little.

Ok I was being sort of douchy there. Sorry.

Give me a break. That’s like Barry Bonds saying he didn’t know what he was taking.

So his team tricked him into doping? He had to know (or at least ought to have known) that there was a little vitamin S in his pill bottle.

And yes - Greg was clean. As clean as he could be at the time (and yes, I have sat in the same room with him and I have asked him personally).

You’re declaring him clean because he told you so?



Because anyone can say anything to the media. As you know, sitting face to face changes things. And if I wanted to name drop I would talk about the MANY times as a junior Lance and I were in the same room.

Again, it is all about intent. Do you have any idea how many folks have been “helped” with out their knowledge? Certainly not for extended periods…but even “oh, take this and your back will feel better” can have some serious ramifications. I cant speak for Lance, or for the baseball players…I for one however take Greg at his word that he never ever took a medication with the intent on improving his performance. That does not mean he was clean - I am not that ignorant, that just means the Greg never once, not ever called the doctor and asked for medical assistance of his own accord. I can not count the number of IV’s that I got when I was racing road bikes…what was in them? Hell if I know.

How does Greg explain his lack of fitness at the 89 Giro yet a few weeks later having one of the best tours ever. No one ever questions him, dude has 20 something fragments of buck shot in his myocardium almost died had a horrible Giro, wins the Tour