Hammer Electrolyte Powder--taste?

I am finally able to down the salt caps on the bike, but only during the first two hours or so. After that, I can’t seem to swallow pills. I am considering putting the powder form in my special needs bottles, but am concerned about an overly salty taste. Anyone have experience with the powder form?

There is only 40mg (2%) sodium in those so they do not change the taste of a drink at all. But if you use other brands (salt pills) they do make it really salty.

Too many scoops in a bottle can add bitterness to the taste - it’s not just the salt. It’s a combination of all the minerals that alter the taste. I routinely add 2 scoops of Endurolyte powder to a 750ml bottle with 2 scoops of HEED in and do not really notice any difference in taste.

I find it hard to play around with Endurolyte capsules on the bike. I can handle about 8 scoops in a 750ml bottle with 10 scoops of Perp no problem but others I know can’t - but then I did spend 21 years in the armed forces!!

Best thing to do is to experiment. For a 1 hour bottle of HEED add 1 or 2 scoops of Endurolyte powder or however much you feel you might need.

I can put up to 4 scoops of the endurolytes in my bottle and not notice a flavor change. It may add a bit of “grit” but nothing that has ever bothered me.
go for it.
david K