Good massage therapist in Penticton (pre-IMC)?

Anyone know of a good massage therapist in Penticton? Was thinking of trying to get a massage since i’m arriving a bit early (Tuesday before the race). Thanks.

Chris Corfield - is who I see every week.

I think over at Gyro Park, (maybe the Expo, I don’t remember) there are massage tables set up, just make an appointment.

I use my roller stick, and I visit the ART tables. I like the stretching of ART, and it’s free!

I like free things :slight_smile:

I think Chris (mentioned by Rappstar) was one of the RMT’s at Ultraman this year. I was trying to remember his name for you. If it was him, I second that he was quite good.


I think Chris (mentioned by Rappstar) was one of the RMT’s at Ultraman this year. I was trying to remember his name for you. If it was him, I second that he was quite good.
Yes, Chris was indeed hired by the Ultraman folks to be one of the RMT’s doing daily work.

Pierre runs the massage tent at IMC. He is a great massage therapist. email me if you want his phone number.